taxis and wearing incontinence pants

  • 7 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Would a taxi driver take you home from hospital if they knew that you wear incontinence pants.  Has anybody had any experience ?

  • Hi old timer, I’ve had no experience of this. But why would a taxi driver know if you were wearing incontience pants. And even if he/she did they would be obligated to take you to your destination, unless they wanted to be hit with a disability discrimination claim.

    Best regards 


    Don't let your good days be spoilt by the worry of a bad day, that may or may not come along.

  • FormerMember


    Good question and I can only give you an answer from the driving seat.

    I was a taxi driver for many years and the company I worked with had contracts with various care facilities and I would often be called to care home to take a resident and carer to the shops or medical appointments.

    The carers would always have with them protective disposable chair pads which they placed on the seat the resident would be using obviously the resident must have suffered from incontinence, I wasn't given the option of accepting or declining the journey but the good news I never experienced any little accidents.

    I would suggest that when booking the taxi you inform the controller that you suffer from incontinence due to a medical problem and that you will be carrying chair pads to cover the seats.

    All taxi companies reserve the right and it is normally part of the tariff that soiling a seat will incur an extra charge, when I stopped driving 9 years ago the charge was £50.

    It was the people picked up on the street who "peed" the seat and did not inform me that annoyed me as often the first I knew of it was when another passenger got in the car and discovered a wet seat.

    Be up front with the taxi company and tell them, one driver may refuse but another will take you as you are showing willing by carrying disposable seat pads.

    Once you found a driver who will take you ask for him everytime giving as much advance notice as possible, you should be able to bypass the booking office and book him direct.

    Hope this is of help 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Mally333

    I think you mean the Equality Act 2010 and the section on carriage by a licenced private hire vehicle or hackney carriage vehicle refers in great length to the carriage of wheelchairs and the obligations of the driver to assist the passenger in and out of the vehicle and with the wheelchair unless the driver holds a valid exception certificate because of a medical problem the driver has.

    Providing the Equality Act 2010 has not been contravened by the driver in discrimination because of the passengers sexual orientation, race, Disability etc there are circumstances that the driver can refuse to take a fare but he must be prepared to justify his actions to the licencing office if the passenger makes a complaint and if proved to have committed an offence he will be referred to the magistrates court for sentencing and could receive a hefty fine.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Bodach again.

    I am wondering if you've had a problem that you raised the question and there is something else I can do to help you.

    You also have available the services of a Macmillan information and support adviser if you need to ask specific questions on the subject.

    You can also telephone the telephone support line on 0808 808 0000, they are available everyday between 8 am and 8 pm.

    If you have experienced a problem you should also take it up with the licencing office at the town hall or council offices depending on where you live.

    But please do ask me if you need any help on this I'll be pleased to help in anyway I can..


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    No problem as yet. Just foreseeing possible events.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Mally333

    Obvious ploy is to check you are watertight first and say nowt. Slightly more complicated as I drive myself to my daughters house where I leave it and take a taxi into town and back where hospital parking is almost nom existent. Driver knocks on door or telephones  and tells me he is here. Said daughter uses taxis a lot for her firms work mainly one firm. If somebody messes taxi up they might blackball this address.  Normally pee up to 200mls every hour and tested Boots Pants (XL) and they work OK sat around. Feels peculiar deliberately. peeing yourself.

    Where can you buy a waterproof pad ?. Have most major supermarkets and Boots locally.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thanks for coming back and it's good hear that your trying to prepare for something that might or might not happen.

    I assume your journey doesn't take an hour and you pee before you leave daughters house and also the hospital.

    Your taxi company appears to have very friendly considerate drivers.

    When I was a taxi driver I would have been more than happy to pull into the side of the road if I could safely do so and let my passenger use a pee bottle hopefully it would have been a male who asked! I often needed to make comfort stops as my journey could have involved driving a 100 plus miles. My longest journey was nearly 300 miles using motorways, A and B roads.

    You asked about chair pads I hope that the following maybe of interest to you

    Depend® Incontinence Products | Uniquely Designed For Men

    Free samples from Depend

    TENA Men Pants | Specifically Designed For Men |

    Free samples from Tena

    NRS Healthcare Lille Disposable Bed/Chair Incontinence Protection Pad, 60 x 40 cm (23.5 x 16 Inch), Pack of 35 (Eligible for VAT Relief in The UK)

    Disposable chair pads

    Note that are they are eligible for VAT relief

    You should be able to buy them at larger Boots and supermarkets or if you have a mobility shop. I have a different problem to you and get mine supplied by my ostomy delivery company free of charge.

    This might also interest you

    Can I get incontinence products on the NHS? - NHS

    Can I get incontinence products on the NHS

    wherever you see green text above click on it and this will open up new pages for you.

    I hope the above is of interest to you and answers some of your questions 

    If you use the same taxi company all the time and you have found a driver you get on with you could make arrangements with him to be your personal driver and he will understand your needs, nearly all taxi drivers have their private.customers who phone them direct when they a need to book a cab.
