drinking before radiation treatment or scanning.

  • 4 replies
  • 105 subscribers

Before radiation therapy or radioactive  scanning drinking a lot of water is advised sometimes one Litre.. To cut a long story short I have a very weak bladder and drinking a lot just before treatment  considerably shortens urination intervals .  Fear urinating while undergoing treatment  Has anyone had this problem and how was it overcome. I practiced  drinking a  litre of water at 7.30 pm and was up all night until 5am urinating at intervals.. Timing is everything.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Oldtimer

    I'm just about to start my 4th week of radiation. The directive I was given was to drink 4 to 5  pints of water daily between the time I get up and 6pm in the evening. No later. If I'm thirsty after that then I just moisten my mouth. I go to bed at 10pm. As they are using your bladder to push your bowel and other inners up out of the way for the radiation, they need it to be easily filled just before your treatment begins. They ask you to drink between 2 and 5 cups of water within 10 minutes of each just about 20 to 30 minutes before your daily treatment begins. Once you're hydrated then theses cups go straight to your bladder and do not soak into you on the way down. The radiographers are well used to having people with weak bladders and will be able to advise you. 

    Best of Luck


  • FormerMember

    Hi John here 

    I had 8 weeks of radio therapy last year not long after 3months of chemo every thre weeks. Because before then I had a cathater in me fof 9 months, my district nurse gave me some exercises to perform to exercise my bladder. The main one I still do is very simple

     When sitting in an upright chair lift your feet of the floor about 6 inches. Keep them there until yo feel the strain on you legs the lower your feet to the floor. I do this 10 times once a day now. However do not strain yourself that is not the idea. I finally had my catheter removed after 9 months I had control of my bladder there after. If I sit for Breakfast or lunch I remember to lift my feet and legs whilst sitting for a few seconds. It works for me and I now have good control of my bladder.

    Hope this helps it's not a do it once and the problem is fixed you have to keep at it. Good thing is if you doo it while eating or watching the TV say. It does not take any time out of your day.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I was recently told by a member of the Cancer Support Team that I could wear  incontinence pants  during scanning for 40 minutes. Have bought some Boots XL  incontinence pants  and they seem  to fit well and well made. They are over £7 per 10 so a  bit expensive if  used regularly.

  • Yes I have a weak bladder too.  I had radiotherapy 2 years ago.  I was fine.  The radiotherapists when I went for my planning scan worked out everything so that my bladder was full during treatment and bowel empty.  Obviously because prostate cancer or any prostate problems have an effect on urination we all rushed for the lavatories as soon as we were out of the radiotherapy room.  - the treatment takes a very short time - in fact it takes longer to get you into position than the time the treatment takes as the positioning is the most important thing.  I was never in the treatment room for more than 8 minutes and always managed to hold the fluid due to the brilliant planning from the team.  If there is a delay on any one of the radiotherapy days remind them that you have a weak bladder and have already drunk your water and they will either send you to another machine or jump you ahead of people in front of you waiting.  Do not worry about it you only have to keep the fluid in your bladder for the length of time of the radiotherapy and try and keep to the same eating and drinking times and amounts throughout your treatment if you can as all this seems to help.