Are there any chaps in Surrey with Prostate cancer?

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  • 110 subscribers

Hi I am a carer of my Husband, who has cancer of prostate ,bones & lungs.But just wondering if by any chance there are some chaps who would like to get together for a chat? We are near Guildford.Sadly we are both unable to drive.<Edited by admin> .kind regards Amandah

  • Hello Amanda,

    Sorry to hear of your husband's disease.  None of us want to join this club but here we all are.  Do you have a "Maggies Cancer Centre" at a hospital near you?  If so please get in touch with them by phone and see if they hold weekly meetings of Prostate Cancer Patients - our centre does and it is great to go and chat with the men and their wives and carers every week.  I know you say you don't drive but imagine there may be a bus or even worth taking a taxi the first time you go and maybe once you get to know people there one of your new friends could take you now and again and also maybe call on you if they live near.  It is also a good idea to have a look on line - just google "cancer support groups" or prostate cancer support groups and you will find some groups in your area I am sure.  Am sure there will be someone along shortly who lives in your area who can give you more information.

    Take care and all the best to you both.
