  • 9 replies
  • 110 subscribers

Hi all

Hubby had RALP on 6th March.....but ended up with an umbilical hernia being done at the same time. 6+ hours in theater and the same in recovery. Still tried to discharge him less than 24 hours after but ended up being in 4 days and on orapmorph the entire time.....and sent on home on paracetamol! Too say he was a mess is an understatement. Then spent the next 10 days sitting and sleeping in a chair as was unable to go to bed due the catheter placement. He is 6ft 6in and the catheter on removal 10 days later was found to have been positioned incorrectly and with equipment for someone much shorter...hence not being able to even empty the bag which was around his calf so couldn't even reach it not helped by the 42 staples in his stomach! He was in serious pain with it and ended up with an infection with the most horrendous smell! Thankfully once removed all was good! Now just struggling with incontinence which is to be expected.

Now back in hospital with chest infection as his immune system is so low..............

24 hours after the operation he said he wished he had never had it done and taken the chance of the Cancer progressing as he has never been in such a bad place........

Yet to receive the follow up appointment with the outcomes......

Anybody else suffered with so many side affects?

Julia xx

  • FormerMember

    hi Julia,

    Sorry I cannot answer your question from my own personal experience but when I was on the Prostate Cancer UK forum there were quite a few with similar problems as your husband.  I think it is almost to be expected, unfortunately.  Those who have had a good experience advocate having the op but many like your other half, probably wish they hadn't. 

    What I do hope for your sakes is that the op is a success.  As you probably know, if the PSA rises to 0.2 or above then it is classed as a fail and on to other treatment e.g. hormones and (salvage) radiotherapy.  But, fingers crossed and once you have got this giant of a man back on his feet, you can have a good quality of life again.


  • Hi Julia,. Like SD I don't have personal experience of what your OH has been through but I would suspect that it is because he had 2 procedures together.

    A six hour op is double the normal time for prostate surgery, that's putting a huge strain on the body and all in the same proximity.

    With hindsight it probably would have been easier on all concerned to do the two separately.

    I hope that he feels better soon, just needs a bit more recovery time 

    Best wishes


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi SD1

    Thanks for your response. Had previously researched the op and its possible side affects, but had not found anything negative at that time, will now have a look at the forums you have mentioned.

    They did tell him post op that they think they had got all the cancer, but obviously there are still the biopsies from this that we have yet to get the results from. The only thing they did tell us was that his prostate was small, is there such a thing, and that it was seriously inflamed which complicated the operation, but we have no idea why, as we were not aware of any of these issues prior to this? As you say until we have the first PSA done we have no idea if there is a next step even.

    Bless you, he's no giant, our son is even taller lol!!!

    Julia xx

  • None of this is really unusual at this stage.  This is a major operation.  It still may be many weeks before he may be pain free.  Just a shame that they obviously used the incorrect catheter and he got such an awful infection.  Hope all the biopsies come back negative and they have got all the cancer so that all this pain has been worth it.

    Take care,


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller

    Sorry Julia I replied to an early post my husband had trouble with his catheter aswell and were waiting for results but will be about 4 weeks before he gets them he had his catheter removed nearly to weeks ago I don’t no about ur hubby but mine keeps getting terrible shooting pains in his private also his legs and back constantly ache don’t no if it should be like this or not as the hospital told us nothing hope your hubby has a speedy recovery and stay strong

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi thanks for contacting me. 

    Have now finally got the follow up appointment at 8 weeks post op, hoping this is a good sign as it is such a long time after. He still has serious pain in his stomach where one of the drains were in situ. However this hasn't helped as he ended up back in hospital with a bad chest infection only to be discharge not having been told he actually had a serious case of pneumonia with now further follow up for this! Our hospital are useless at the best of times.....they found another mass in his throat at the end of February and no follow up has happened now got the GP on the case with this one.....

    Hoping your Hubby feels better soon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to freefaller

    Hi Des thanks for contacting me.

    Have now got a follow up appointment 8 weeks post op. But been back in hospital with pneumonia! 

  • Julia,

    If you have any problems you must call the hospital.  It doesn't matter if they seem silly or unimportant to you the fact is that you are concerned and that the hospital should have given you information so call them - that is what they are there for.  If they do not deal with your concerns in the correct manner then get in touch with the Hospital's PAL's and complain.  You should be getting information from them about how to deal with things and what to expect.  Also try your GP. or get the number of the cancer nurses or Macmillan nurses at the hospital and talk to them.

  • If you have problems or concerns before that appointment call the hospital or go to the urology department and ask to speak to someone.  Do not just wait for appointments please.  You have concerns which need to be dealt with and waiting and worrying does not help the healing process.