Chemotherapy Starts Tomorrow

  • 17 replies
  • 106 subscribers


I am feeling rather anxious about the unknown path that lies ahead as my husband begins chemotherapy tomorrow.

We have read the information about side-effects of Docetaxal and realise that it affects every individual differently. 

I would be very grateful for any information anyone has about their experiences. Do some side effects start immediately? Is my husband likely to lose his appetite?

This treatment, as far as I know, is our last hope of stalling the progression of his cancer, for however long. It feels scary but also surreal.


  • Thank you for your reply John.

    My husband was given exactly the same yesterday.  He wasn’t told or given any Dexamethasone to cover him for yesterday’s treatment and I assume he should haven been. He has, however, taken some of the Dexamethasone from the supply for the next cycle as instructed by the cancer unit which will be half of the three day course. I am concerned that this may result in more severe side effects.


  • Thank you for your message.

    I had already read that post and have fresh pineapple at the ready in case he develops those symptoms.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Valerie 

    My dad is currently on the same chemo as your husband. We were also dreading it too but he's been amazing so far.

    After his 1st chemo he was tired for a few days so just rested up in bed watching tv. He had a funny taste in his mouth too and said his stomach was off but nothing major. That lasted around 4-5 days then he was back to normal.

    After his 2nd chemo he felt a bit 'rough' for a day or so but that was it. No bad taste, no stomach upset. His hair has started to thin too, but it's came out evenly so far.

    The past week his feet, ankles and sometimes legs have been really swollen to the point where he can' really wear shoes (just flip flops) but we have read that can be a side effect of chemo/prostate.

    We will ask the nurses a bit more next week when he goes for his 3rd round of chemo. 

    On a whole we have all been pleasantly surprised on how he's coping with it. I know everyone reacts differently but try not to worry too much 

    Hope this helps 

  • Hello Thomas

    Thank you very much for your reply.

    I hope that we, also, will be pleasantly surprised with how he reacts to the chemotherapy.


  • Hello Valerie- I asked the same question and so nice to know everybody responds differently. I will start my third infusion August 3 and accept whatever happens as all part of my therapy. I have not lost any hair so still waiting on that. I played golf for five days straight in hot weather and was really tired the final day so no more golf back to back. Probably 3-4 weekly. Stay positive and keep the faith-Jada

    Take life day by day and be grateful for the little things.  Don’t get caught up in what you can’t control.  Accept it and make the best of it.  When you stop worrying about what you can’t control, you have more time to change the things you can control.  And that changes everything in the long run.

  • Hello Jada

    I was surprised that my post was still active as I wrote it over two years ago but thank you for responding.

    Sadly, my husband did not complete his chemotherapy as it was not working, and he deteriorated quickly, and died in September 2018.

    Kind regards


  • Valerie- so sorry for your lossWorried I hope you are doing okay.



    Take life day by day and be grateful for the little things.  Don’t get caught up in what you can’t control.  Accept it and make the best of it.  When you stop worrying about what you can’t control, you have more time to change the things you can control.  And that changes everything in the long run.