PSA levels

  • 157 replies
  • 115 subscribers

Hello. First time in this group. My previous posts over four years or so are all about my bowel cancer and heading to 5 years all clear. My latest worry is a recent PSA reading of 6.3 which sneaks into the normal range but is up 1 from about a year ago. A digital exam showed a large prostate which is common in 72 year olds and no apparent lumps etc. But he wants another check in a month or so and then might refer me to a urologist. I assume that is if he finds anything or maybe he's just being cautious because of the large prostate. I had a major scare with the bowel cancer but have only 7 months until the magic 5 year mark. I don't want to start all over again with another problem! Am I worrying about nothing, (I am a terrible worrier,) or just wait and see? Any thoughts? 

  • HI Womble , just checking if you're from Wimbledon?

    This is a trickie one, psa 1 to 6 in a year is quite a jump.

    could be an infection or BPH, why don't u wait a few months and have another psa, then decide at that stage, if it has gone up again perhaps ask for an mri, but hopefully its gone down

    Do u have any symptoms at all?

    best wishes


  • sorry womble, just noticed not up from 1to 6 but up 1 to 6, that's probably not so bad, another psa in a couple of months and go from there, try not too worry at this stage.


  • I would definitely not worry at this stage.  Your PSA is still low - or rather only 1 point over normal for your age and it took a year to go up by 1.  Glad to know that your Dr is considering sending you to a urologist if this trend continues. That is absolutely right and a good thing that you are being watched.  With a reading like this and slow progression you would probably be put on active surveillance - annoying having PSA tests and worrying every few months - or at whatever intervals your urologist decides to test you as we all know that waiting for test results is the worst thing about this journey.  I don't know if you are aware but there are other conditions that can cause a higher PSA test result such as infections and prostitis - which may also account for the enlarged prostate - though an enlarged prostate is not unusual as you age anyway so I am told.  Just in case you didn't know you should avoid exercise and sexual activity for the 48 hours prior to the PSA test being taken as this can lead to a higher PSA reading.  Generally Prostate cancer is slow growing so if anything is found you have time to decide what treatment options you may need to take - if any at all.  I am pleased to hear that all your other tests show you as being 5 years clear.  I hope and pray that you have good results from your future tests please keep in touch with us and let us know.

  • Thanks for the replies. I used to live near Wimbledon in Thames Ditton, but now live in New Zealand. I commuted for a while from T.D to Dartford each day. The things we did when younger! My reading of 6.3 was only just in the normal range I was given, <6.5, so I guess the Dr is playing it safe. No noticeable flow problems. I'm hoping it's simply an age thing causing the large prostate. I'll ask him if a 1.0 increase is a concern. So I'm looking forward to another DRE in a month or so and probably a PSA test again. As I wrote, getting towards the all clear from the bowel cancer is great, but I can do without the new prostate worry! I know it takes a long time to develop and am encouraged by the normal readings since testing began as a regular check. But it's only 0.2 off above normal range now. Could be a lot worse. Best wishes and thanks again. 

  • P.S. The T3N0M0 at the bottom was the bowel cancer grade. I'll take it off if I can work out how to do it. 

  • Well, nothing has been said so far from my Dr about another DRE and/or PSA test a month after the first lot and I haven't seen or asked him. It's now two months. I'm due to see him for my general 3 monthly check anyway early in July anyway so I'll probably wait until then and see if he mentions it. Of course he might have decided that as the PSA was in the normal range and I have no trouble urinating, he would leave it. Or he's forgotten. At the back of my mind I'm thinking maybe I should have asked if any follow up should be done. It's the old health anxiety problem which began after my bowel cancer emergency. I'm really writing this to get my thoughts written down, but if anyone out there has advice, please feel free. I am a bit of a wimp even at 72! 

  • Hi Womble,

    I would definitely mention this at your 3 monthly check and ask to get another PSA and DRE test done then.  I just wondered if you were having sigmoidoscopies or colonoscopies after your bowel cancer?  If so these can put the PSA reading up slightly so I am told.  I was booked in to have a colonoscopy just before a PSA test earlier this year and asked the Doc if this could affect the PSA result and he said it could so decided to have the colonoscopy after the PSA test was done as the PSA reading was of far more interest to me than looking for or taking out teeny polyps - which was what the colonoscopy was for.  It may not make a huge difference if at any but worth checking and re arranging so that PSA test is done first.

    Hoping everything goes well for you and that you are cancer free.

  • Thanks Freefaller. My last colonoscopy was early January and the PSA about three months later. So that's ok. I won't have any more colonoscopies. The last one was ok. I had a quick look at your profile but will read it properly in the morning. Thanks again. 

  • Hi Womble,

    Yes, 3 months between would be OK.  My urologist told me - after I had had a cystoscopy that I would have to wait about 2 months after that for a PSA test - though I had one booked within a few weeks as was due 2nd 6 monthly checkup at cancer centre so wish he had told me that before as then checkup had to be done later!  So from now on anything that is done I ask could it affect PSA reading and re-arrange everything to suit that.

    I would definitely read my profile in the morning!  So much happening with me - though I know not as much as with a lot of people it takes some time to read.

    Hope you had a good night's sleep.


  • Not really. I tend to dwell on medical stuff about 3 am and worry. But back to normal in the morning. It's usually the bowel cancer scare I had and any discomfort turns into another blockage until I remind myself that the latest colonoscopy was clear and my CEA levels have been consistently good since surgery over 4 1/2 years ago! And I had for me, a successful bowel movement! Enough of that.... 

    A lot of your profile I don't understand, but if there is a prostate problem I will no doubt quickly learn the meaning of the terms and numbers. 

    Thanks again for your time and advice.

    Best wishes,
