Infections etc after radiotherapy

  • 4 replies
  • 161 subscribers

Dear all

I have locally advance prostate cancer - Gleason 4-5

I am on zoladex and aberiterone.

I had 4 weeks radiotherpapy in October/November. 

The good news is that my PSA was pretty much 0 on my last blood test. 

The not so good news is that energy levels have plumeted since the radiotherapy, and I seem to be picking uo loads on infections etc. I've had a least 2 colds since then and now have severe ear pain and a possible urine infection. 

I was wondering if any of you had similar problems and what do you think I can do to regain my strength etc? 

Any advice will be most welcome Slight smile

  • Hello Michael  

    Radiotherapy treatment has the side effect of weakening your immune system so you are more prone to pick up colds etc. I was told it can take up to 18 months to recover completely.

    The fatigue is another side effect - the answer - exercise. 

    I was also told to exercise more (HT has helped me put on weight) Eat well and avoid anyone who has any illness.

    I hope this helps and I wish you a speedy recovery.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi, 

    I am in the midst of 37 fractions of RT, and I relate to the fatigue. 

    My method of dealing with it is to have a plan - when to get up, what to do, and plan the day around the radio therapy. 

    She I get back I have a kip on the sofa.

    Sets me up for an afternoon of semi production. 

    I think that RT beats you up somewhat, and you have to give it time to heal. 

    Keep slogging on! 



    Changed, but not diminished.
  • Hi ,

    Yes and yes! It's nearly six years since I completed my 20 sessions of RT in March 2019 and I still remember the fatigue and the infections. Before the RT I was very active as a volunteer gardener with the NTS, kayaking, walking and rowing; but after it finished I was completely flat. A few weeks post-RT my friends from the rowing club noticed that I wasn't doing much and formed a rota to take me out for a walk every day. we managed just a few hundred yards at first but were soon walking several miles every day.

    I also remember the ear infections (particularly nasty as I have to wear hearing aids), but they were soon sorted out by the GP with a course of antibiotics and no hearing aids for two weeks. That bit was rather a nuisance but everyone soon learned to shout at me!

    I am now well over 77 and try to walk at least 5 miles every day, swim a mile twice a week (in the pool) and go rowing as often as I can. In 2024 I walked, swam and rowed a total of just over 2,000 miles, so there's light at the end of the tunnel for you. It's not an easy road but you can do it.

    I hope your recovery continues to improve.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
    (See my profile for more)
  • Salvage radiotherapy 4 months ago, I cannot kick a mild phlegmy cold. Reading was my solution to fatigue!