New here - just got a copy of my mri report!

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  • 151 subscribers

Hi - new here 

I have just had a trans-perineal biopsy and should have my results by the end of the week!

This is my mri report! Is it as worrying as I am reading it? I think it says highest suspicious of clinically significant prostrate cancer but it is contained within the prostrate and not spread! Is this right? 

MRI Pelvis prostate :

Standard prostate cancer detection protocol. No previous imaging for comparison.

Prostate volume: 33 mL.

PSA density: 0.21 ng/mL/c

Generalised low T2 signal appearance of the bilateral peripheral zones with mala altrustor restriction in keeping with PIRADS category 3, cancer.

indeterminate of clinically significant

In particular a 11 mm focal area of low T2 signal within the right posterior peripheral zone with moderate diffusion restriction (segment 2p,4p 6p) extending from the base to the apex with early contrast enhancement in keeping with PI-RADS Category 4 (3+1), highly suspicious of clinically significant cancer. No extra prostatic extension.

Normal seminal vesicles and urinary bladder.

No enlarged pelvic lymph nodes.

Normal signal return from visualised bones.

Opinion: 33 mL gland. Indeterminate PIRADS 3 changes of the bilateral peripheral zone with a 11 mm PI-RADS 4 lesion in the right posterior peripheral zone as described above

No ECE or locoregional adenopathy.

Lesion is suitable for standard biopsy.

If biopsy confirmed cancer, the radiological staging would be T2c NO MX.

  • Good Morning  

    A warm welcome to the Macmillan Prostate Cancer group, I am Brian on of the Community Champions here on the Community. I do have Prostate Cancer myself.

    You are correct that a T2C is Prostate Cancer, contained within the Prostate bot in both lobes of the Prostate. The good news is if this diagnosis is confirmed by your biopsy it's a treatable cancer and would be treated with a view to being on a "curative pathway".

    Here's a link to our guide to the Staging and Grading of Prostate Cancer.

    Good luck with your biopsy results. please do come back to us with them. Feel free to ask any questions, nothing is too trivial.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Doesn't look too bad D.

    Contained in the gland, that's the main thing. Not in nodes or vesicles 

    Tumour size about 11mm, 

    Hopefully biopsy will show a lowish grade.

    Should be easily treatable, have they offered any treatment options yet?

    Best wishes 


  • Not yet. Had biopsy done privately so should get the results this week then appointment with private consultant on 30th Jan 

  • Ok, just as a matter of interest why did NHS not offer the biopsy which would be usual after MRI


  • They did but wouldn’t do it till next month but I have private medical insurance and they did it in 3 days 

  • Ok, that's goodThumbsupThumbsup

  • Hi  , your results look good to me and hopefully the biopsy will just confirm what is known already.  As others have said,  it looks like you have caught it early and you shouldn’t be too worried (that won’t stop you worrying I know).  PCa is very slow growing so absolutely no rush.  You might be better off once the diagnosis is confirmed switching back to the NHS, but that’s a conversation you need to have with your team/insurers.  David