
  • 3 replies
  • 159 subscribers

Hello All. 
not sure if you can help but I’m just having a real meltdown atm. My OH is due PSA Tuesday before his HT inj which will be 12 months after chemo & RT and 2 years into this horrible disease. 
he was originally diagnosed T2a Gleason 7 but a PSMA showed suspicious spots on T5 & 7th rib . Treated as oligometaststic so denied surgery. 
it was then decided may be Gleason 9 as some cells mimicked grade5 so we are on this rollercoaster. 
im not really sure what my question is other than is it reasonable to expect the PSA to stay low for a little bit longet? Last PSA was less than 0.1 which is as low as our health board measure.

thank you for reading and being there. X

EDIT: Thank you all for your support and kindness. His results came on the app and we breathe a sigh of relief as came back as <0.1 which is the lowest our hospital measure so they call it ‘satisfactory’ . I thought it meant undetectable but happy days. Feel very fortunate xx

  • Hanandy,

    Sorry to hear about your OH.

    After my Radiotherapy ended my PSA started off at 0.045, but increased by miniscule amounts to 0.34, then back down again to 0.29

    I was told that as long as it stayed under 2.0, I wouldn't need any further treatment.

    Don't know if this has helped, you will get some more detailed posts.

    Take Care 

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Hello  

    I am so sorry you are having a "meltdown" - we all do it at some point and it's better on here than in front of the one you love.

    So 12 months after chemo and RT, and being on HT, that combination should be working fine. A PSA of less than 0.1 is magic (in over 3 years mine has never been below 0.29!!).

    The rule of thumb is that if his PSA rises more than 2 whole points (2.1 or higher) then further intervention would be needed. The other guideline is if there is a rise in 3 consecutive tests. As he's had RT it's normal to have "PSA Bounce" so Tuesday's PSA may show a slight rise.

    A Gleason 9 is aggressive (sadly I am 1) but it's only aggressive when the HT isn't working. The HT is there to keep the cancer supressed.

    I do hope this helps - if you want a little bit of extra help our Support Line is there for all the family - please give them a ring on 0808 808 00 00 (8am to 8pm 7 days a week). They are a great bunch.

    Good luck wit the test and let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi  , sorry you are feeling low at present but waiting for results is hard.  We are all different, but have a look at my profile and see what the HT can do.  Let us know how you get on.  Best wishes, David