Turn surgery,Bladder stone removals,uti.Will they cause rise in PSA.
Good morning Tribute .
Welcome to the group. There are many things which can cause a PSA rise such as ejaculation or vigorous cycling within 48 hrs of blood test, a UTI, prostatitis, any invasive procedure in and around the prostate. Do you have any particular concerns making you ask the question and if you feel comfortable supplying a bit more information it might help us to help you more.
Diagnosed late 2016,T3A(suspiscion) Radiation Treatment,nadir 0.02,pda below 0.63,until recent Turp,bladder stones,Cystoscopy PSA latest reading 1.89,I was wondering if all this year's nonsense could have caused spike.
Good Morning Tribute
Another warm welcome to the Macmillan Online Prostate Community fro me, I am Brian one of the Community Champions here.
I remember someone asking a similar question before - I have looked for it and haven't found it but from memory the answer was "as a kidney stone (I know you say "bladder stone") progresses down the urethra and is caught by the Prostate this in itself can trigger a rise in PSA levels".
I would think having a TURP operation where the Prostate is "shaved" may also disturb the status quo however you must remember none of us on the group are medically trained.
I hope this helps.
Best wishes - Brian.
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