PSA rise

  • 3 replies
  • 159 subscribers

Turn surgery,Bladder stone removals,uti.Will they cause rise in PSA.

  • Good morning  .

    Welcome to the group. There are many things which can cause a PSA rise such as ejaculation or vigorous cycling within 48 hrs of blood test, a UTI, prostatitis, any invasive procedure in and around the prostate. Do you have any particular concerns making you ask the question and if you feel comfortable supplying a bit more information it might help us to help you more.

  • Diagnosed late 2016,T3A(suspiscion) Radiation Treatment,nadir 0.02,pda below 0.63,until recent Turp,bladder stones,Cystoscopy PSA latest reading 1.89,I was wondering if all this year's nonsense could have caused spike.

  • Good Morning  

    Another warm welcome to the Macmillan Online Prostate Community fro me, I am Brian one of the Community Champions here.

    I remember someone asking a similar question before - I have looked for it and haven't found it but from memory the answer was "as a kidney stone (I know you say "bladder stone") progresses down the urethra and is caught by the Prostate this in itself can trigger a rise in PSA levels".

    I would think having a TURP operation where the Prostate is "shaved" may also disturb the status quo however you must remember none of us on the group are medically trained.

    I hope this helps.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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