HT/Salvage RT after prostatectomy

  • 6 replies
  • 154 subscribers

Been to review today with Oncology after being sent home after last meeting in December to decide if OH wanted to go ahead with next treatment.  As PSA has gone down slightly to 0.25 from 0.27 and taking into account the possible side effects of next treatment and Oncologist advising that the HT/RT has only a 50% chance of a "cure" she is happy to wait 3 months for next PSA .  OH requested 2 month review instead and if reading has gone up will then start treatment.   Recent spine and neck MRI show no signs of anything other than normal wear and tear.  OH is more laid back about this where I am worrying about things getting worse.

  • Hello  

    Many thanks for the update. It's nice to know the PSA has gone down - the issue is, it's still there! 

    You know my personal view is to treat as early as possible and would have asked to start the RT today, however i am not your oncologist. If she's happy with a 2 month wait that's fine - I can't see the PSA rising again much in 2 months.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hi having a bit of a wobble so worried that it will be spreading whilst we are waiting for next review.  OH still not decided whether to go ahead with the salvage treatment.   He seems to think because he had the prostate removed the rise in PSA to 0.25 isn't so bad.  Trying to get him to understand that it hasn't gone and it will get worse but he says he feels fine and doesn't want to talk about it.  

  • Sorry you and your OH are going through this. 

    You mentioned he is more laid back about this. Please understand this is a good thing. He has told you he will start treatment once things are sorted out. I know you can't help but worry, that is your job. But he is taking the right approach to this. 

    He has had, by definition, a recurrence. He is taking some time to determine the best pathway. Waiting for the next PSA test is part of the plan. Please be patient.  Let him be laid back. You can do enough worrying for the both of you. He is lucky to have you. 

    I wish you both the best.

  • Hello  

    Yes I can understand his view "My prostate has gone therefore I can't have prostate cancer". However with a rising PSA the surgery hasn't got all the little blighters and there are some left that need to be exterminated.

    Sadly us blokes when it comes to "stuff" like this are pretty stubborn (me included - it's my wife that got me to the GP in the first place). 

    I notice for the oncologist you put "she" - perhaps hearing it from a bloke might help him to understand better - it's not in any way a sexist comment - it's just the way some men feel.

    Only another month to go - lets see what the PSA results say and he did say he would start treatment if there's any further increase.

    Sadly this cancer business involves lots of testing and waiting for results.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Latest PSA 0.3 so gone up slightly will see what oncologist says at tomorrow's appointment.