
  • 3 replies
  • 157 subscribers

Hello everyone

I had my prostate removed on the 16th December

Catheter was taken out on the 27th 

I seem to have no control on my bladder, wee coming out when I stand up and walking

trying the pelvic exercises

Any idea when it will settle down and normal

also feeling tired

many thanks john f

  • Hello Again John ( 

    Another welcome to our "safe space" from me again, I am so pleased you have found your way here.

    I had an indwelling catheter for 10 months but for a different reason than you did (to read my full journey click on my user name or icon) I had to learn to wee again from scratch and the Pelvic Floor Exercises worked well for me.

    I am sure some of our members who have had surgery will be along with their help and advice. I will "tag"  into this post - he's been where you are now and I hope he will be along to offer some help and advice.

    Here's a link to a cracking post about "Pads and What you need to know".

     RE: Pads and what you need to know 

    Stick with us -it's early days - we will get you there.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi There

    You have had a major surgical procedure and you will naturally feel tired. As many post surgery people will advise, listen to your body. If you are tired be sure to rest. Regular walking,  increasing as you feel stronger is vital. Bladder control will come.Downloas the squeezy app and do your squeezes 3 times a day. You will soon feel the benefit.  Avoid alcohol and fizzy drinks until you are on top of bladder control. Patience is key . You will notice incremental improvement over time

     Best Wishes

    • S
  • Hi friendy.You don’t say if you had nerve sparring surgery or not.So my experience after none nerve sparring surgery turned out just as my surgeon said it would unfortunately ED was going to be a given and remains the case, however was told continence would be good.So after the catheter was removed ten days post surgery I had very little control when walking or sitting and standing,this started to improve after 3-4 weeks,I was dry seated and lying down.The step change improvements started a 5-6 weeks post opp,this is on the back of doing pelvic floor exercises every day using the NHS sqweezy app and still do,I became fully dry at approximately 6 months no more pads.Im aware this is my personal experience but hope it goes some way to give you some help.Just a note I was 58 ,feb 2024 at time of surgery.All the very best and get well soon.