Enlarged Prostate at 43?

  • 5 replies
  • 162 subscribers

Hello, I'm new to the forum.

This all started about 2 months ago, one night I was getting up about every 45 minutes to urinate, flow was fine, not really any pain, but this went on until the morning (sometimes in the past when I'd have a cup of tea quite late after 9pm, I would be up a few times in the night, but it would subside by morning), anyway I was fortunate to get a GP appointment that day.  They did a pH test of my urine but it was a bit inconclusive, he said there was a 50% chance it could be an infection (I also had minimal traces of blood in urine), the GP prescribed me antibiotics to take for 7 days. 

During this 7 days, I was getting a lot of bloating (I'm guessing because of the antibiotics) and it was a bit uncomfortable to sleep, but it seemed to gradually stop my frequent urination.  After this, I was fine for a week with no symptoms, then it kicked off again, I had to go to the Urgent Care Centre on a Saturday, the GP there did a rectal examination said my prostate was fine but prescribed me with some more antibiotics, different ones this time, but they didn't seem to work, went back to the GP at the surgery, another pH test of the urine, just minimal traces of blood again, but referred me to the Urology team (during this time they did two urine culture tests at the lab both came back negative for a bacterial infection). 

Had an ultrasound, everything was normal, then a week or two later, I actually saw a Urologist, he gave me another rectal examination and said I had an enlarged prostate, but I was also constipated.  A cystoscopy was booked in for me to rule out anything else.  I was dreading this, but knew it would put mind at rest either way.  During this time I would say I was also getting mild bladder spasms, and a bit of pain in the kidneys (sometimes).  Had the dreaded cystoscopy, I did not enjoy it, felt like someone was stabbing me from the inside, I had my eyes closed at the start while the DR was carrying out the procedure, commentating what I was seeing on the screen, managed to open my eyes a few times, but wasn't taking much interest, just wanted the thing over with.

Anyway, all he had to say was my prostate was slightly enlarged, that's it.  He wasn't talking like it was something to be concerned about, and said I should start taking tamsulosin and finasteride.  I'd rather not take them to be honest, and he kind of laughed that I was taking Saw Palmetto ( did seem to help initially, but the affect has waned)  said it was similar to tamsulosin but a much smaller dose.  That was a few weeks ago, have been trying to cut out carbs and sugar and just experiment with my diet, only trouble now is, I'm starting to have flow problems and pain/burning sensation at end of penis, feels like it's getting clogged up,  and my sleep has gone to pot.

What I wanted to know is, does this sound like an enlarged prostate?  Do symptoms occur in that order?  It is starting to depress me, as it's not something I thought I would have to worry about at 43.  Has anyone managed to reverse this condition without surgery/medication?

(I had a PSA test done as well, came back 0.6)

Any help/advice would be much appreciated.

  • Good morning  and welcome. None of us are medically trained but we can tell you of our experiences and things which have helped us. The good news for you is that nothing has been found with the DRE and you have a low PSA which usually means that cancer is not on the radar. A burning sensation at the tip of the penis is often a sign of a urine infection but are you drinking enough - on average you should be having about 2 litres a day. Also try and restrict fluid intake in the evening and before bedtime as this might help reduce the night time forays. What you drink can also make a difference so try and swap caffeine free versions of tea and coffee, avoid fizzy and acidic drinks as they can all irritate the bladder. 

    An enlarged prostate can affect the flow as it constricts the urethra (the tube between the bladder and outside world) but it could also be a bladder issue such as an overactive bladder. Make sure you keep the tip of the penis clean, particularly under the foreskin if you have one. 

    Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a hormone that makes the prostate gland grow larger than usual and leads to hair loss on the scalp. Finasteride works by blocking an enzyme that turns testosterone into DHT. This helps reduce the size of the prostate, which makes it easier to pee. It also slows down hair loss in men. If you do take it you have to remember that it also halves the PSA reading.

    Tamsulosin helps to reduce the symptoms of an enlarged prostate gland by relaxing the muscle around the bladder and prostate gland so you can pee more easily.

    I am sure others will be along with their experiences but in the meantime try to relax and I hope you have a good time over the festive season.

  • Hi HaveACuppaTea,

    Your journey so far is almost identical to my husband's in terms of symptoms and treatment, although his cystoscopy showed a few angry red patches (since discounted as anything serious) and what is probably/maybe a key difference that his PSA level was 39 so quite a bit higher than yours. He was also sent for MRI and scan which it looks like you haven't been offered yet. Obviously we are all different and I guess medical people (GPs, urologists etc) will be different levels of expertise but I just wanted to endorse AlwaysHope's words of encouragement to you  about the treatment you have received so far but also to say that if you still feel worried or unsure about the diagnosis you really should speak to your GP again and ask if there are any other tests you can have (like an MRI) to confirm that it's not cancer which is obviously your main fear. My husband's GP sent him for more tests straight after his second course of antibiotics failed to clear things up but that might have been because John is much older than you which might have been a red flag. What I'm trying to say amongst my clumsy guesswork is not to just 'put up and shut up' but seek as much reassurance as you can. All the best and hope the diagnosis so far is the right one!!

  • Hi  , we are not medically trained but I can’t see anything you have mentioned would indicate Prostate Cancer, so that’s great news.  The cystoscopy was clear and nothing sinister found but DRE highlighted enlarged prostate.  Out of all that, the only bit that would worry me is nobody has explained why you have blood in your urine with no infection found.

    Personally, I would stop taking the saw palmetto, drink plenty of water (4 pints) during the day, restrict intake after 6pm.  Also stop any caffeine, fizzy drinks and alcohol for at least a week (maybe after Christmas!) and see how you go.  As your urologist dismissed any problems, then back to the GP in the new year.  Please let us know how you get on. David



    Merry Christmas (I don't feel very merry though to be honest) Thanks for your replies.  I don't smoke or drink fizzy drinks anyway.  In terms of caffeinated hot drinks, it used to be only about 3 a day either tea or coffee (nothing too excessive) but I have cut back on this in the last few weeks, trying to introduce green tea, which just tastes like dirty water to me.  I would say milk is something I drank quite a bit of, if you consider cereal in the morning, milk in the hot drinks, and sometimes a milky coffee in the evening.  Since cutting out the cereal, I would say my bowels are more regular, so that's a positive.

    Pumpkin seeds don't really seem to work,  I've been trying to have more tomatoes for the lycopene as it's meant to be good for inflammation (though they say tomatoes can irritate the bladder) and as I said about the Saw Palmetto, it seemed to work initially maybe I need to up the dose.  I did try the tamsulosin last night as I was desperate, I know it's only one tablet, but it did nothing for me except make me feel really croggy throughout the day and nauseous in the morning, so that has put me off.  I have been eating more meat (I wasn't a big meat eater anyway), you get conflicting information on this, some say it's good, some say it's bad for the prostate (as you're no doubt aware of).

    I know people have it a lot worse than me, but, it's not having a proper sleep which is making me miserable.  At the moment I have a poor stream, and it feels like when I lay flat I can feel a little twinge in the bladder or urethra, which can kick off the feeling of needing to go.  Anyway, I will do the best I can to manage my symptoms and God willing they will improve.

    All the best

  • I did try the tamsulosin last night as I was desperate, I know it's only one tablet, but it did nothing for me

    Tamsulosin isn't like Paracetamol and doesn't work instantly. You need to take it for a few days before it starts to work. I think it was almost a week after I started taking it when it gave me great relief. Mind you that was nearly six years ago.

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