Increased pain

  • 4 replies
  • 162 subscribers
  • Two years from initial diagnosis, advanced prostate with bone mets. Hormones, radiotherapy, chemo, now radium 223. What would cause a sudden increase in pain? He says it feels like muscle pain rather than bone pain, taking codeine as prescribed and using fentanyl patches. He's struggling to walk far, can't stand or sit for long in the same position, it's all happened so fast. Any ideas anyone please? 
  • Hi Spiritinthesky I'm not sure except to say that boney pain is often notoriously difficult to control.. It could be absolutely anything and the cause needs further investigation. I can't help thinking that if this pain is no subsiding then a call to 111 as out of hours for advice would be entirely appropriate..


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  • Hello  

    I am so sorry to read of the increased pain. If as you say this has come on very fast and it's a weekend (I doubt you can contact his team) I think it's a case of calling 111 or a visit to your local A & E.

    Please do let us know how you get on.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hello  . There appears to be a fairly well recorded incidence of pain flare following the first injection of Radium 223 which lasts for up to 10 days. There is some suggestion that this is indicative of the therapy working. There was no pain flare with subsequent injections. If the additional pain has manifested at the start of the treatment then this could be a cause. I have no experience, this is purely what I have picked up from the literature.

  • Hi Spiritinthesky, your initial course of Ra-223 does occasionally cause  pain-flare, for up to 2 weeks, but pain-flare is usually limited to the initial course only, If there is a need for extra pain relief contact your hospice or GP.
