Mind relief question

  • 26 replies
  • 144 subscribers

I know this is ,probably, a stupid question, but I'm doing it because e need a bit of hope in my mind , I'm 54 T2c N1 M0 with 5 pelvic lymph nodes positive, anyone have an idea how many years would be a reasonable gues for me ? I know no one can tell me exactly one number but I'm really terrified that my oncologist next Friday, first appointment, tell me I have less than a couple years.

  • There is a ‘predict prostate’ tool on line . This is outdated (2019) and, I think, might be based on historical data before the massive strides made into the treatment of prostate cancer. There are also papers on survival rates - again, I suspect, based on retrospective data. I would not rely on anything that tells you ‘how long‘!  You could fall under a bus tomorrow! ( I hope you dont’t!)

    The one thing that this diagnosis has shown me is that none of us can rely on living forever! We are all terminal! Therefore, far better to enjoy each and every day for as long as possible and hope the Grim Reaper delays his visit:) sitting and worrying about something not one single person can avoid means that you miss out on the joy of just being alive here and now!

    I rely ( mostly - sometimes anxiety overcomes me) on keeping busy, loving and supporting my husband, enjoying our time together, enjoying our many blessings and a good old fashioned dose of burying my head in the sand :)

    who knows what tomorrow may bring? I hope it brings you peace of mind and, with that, hope will surely follow :)

  • Hi Murcao

    The truth is no one really knows but I remember your stats from before , still potentially curable.

    But even if it wasn't curable I have heard of people surviving on HT for many many years  7+

    So I would try not to think about that and hopefully your specialist won't comment either.

    Good luck


    • According to doctor Mark scholz, the number of pelvic lymph nodes still manageable are 5 ,or one or two more if they are close ,but here in the netherlands they say max 4 ,it's a game changer ,even if you have a small chance of cure for the mind is better than 0 ,I have seen people on it fir more than 10 years , 
  • something not right about limiting to 4, especially if 5 is tolerated elsewhere.

    perhaps time to look somewhere else for treatment otherwise u would prob have to endure HT indef.


  • Not medical but with T2c despite the lymph involvement I understand is still curable. 
    What is your Gleeson score? 
    If you use the Memorial Sloan nonograms which my husbands consultant uses they would give high chance of overall survival at 15 years however they don’t ask about the number of lymph’s just if they are affected! 
    I certainly wouldn’t be giving up on a cure at this stage. 

    Keep faith and positivity x

  • Can you give me a link ,please so I can also check. 

  • I already did the test ,and they say because there are lymph node involved they can't give a number.

  • I can’t seem to attach the link but if you Google memorial Sloan prostate nonogram post surgery 

  • I already did it ,because there are lymph nodes positive they didn't give me the result, I haven't made any surgery. 

  • Hi

    it gives details of  prognosis after surgery of you have lymph nodes involved. I’m sorry I didn’t realise you are pre treatment. 

    The info it gave however for someone with lymph node involvement who had surgery looked promising! 

    I also listened to Dr Scholtz on the prognosis for Lymph Node involvement and he gave some good encouraging info especially if the lymph’s involved are local to the prostate.