Docetaxel & Fingernails

  • 10 replies
  • 143 subscribers

Has anyone had problems with hands / fingernails during or following docetaxel? I've completed chemo, it's 7 weeks since the last infusion and my fingernails have become more painful, being particularly bad for the past 3 weeks or so. I'm unable to do hardly anything with my hands due to the pain. Getting dressed is a challenge as is holding a knife and fork, never mind anything more manual. It's very frustrating because most of the other side effects have now improved significantly.

I've already had an infection under a thumbnail (which has now dropped off and is re-growing) and the rest of my nails are either dark red or pale yellow, deformed and occasionally some leak a sticky clear or blood coloured substance. Several are loose and it looks like I'm going to lose most if not all soon.

Any practical advice or experiences would be welcome if anyone has experienced similar. I've no idea how long it might be before my hands are back to normal.

Thanks, Derek.

  • I had the same thing, I thought I would lose some nails but they eventually recovered 

    it did take weeks and the discoloured ones eventually grew out

  • Thanks very much, that's encouraging.


    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Having the same problems at the moment been told to keep moistothem which I’m doing and as you say that’s the only problem I’ve had up to now and on my 3rd cycle Robert

  • Thanks Robert, I hope your remaining cycles go well and are successful.

    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Derek ( ) if you haven’t been already, I would get them checked out at a pharmacy or with your chemo team.  There may be something to help retain the nails.  Mine just thickened on each cycle and I was left with lines for each cycle that just grew out.  David

  • Thanks David. I've seen the chemo team a few times and all they could tell me was they thought I might lose some or all nails. I'm seeing consultant next week so thought I'd seek as much real life experience as I can gather to think of all pertinent questions to ask him. 


    Made in 1956. Tested to destruction.
  • Hi Derek. I seem to remember on a previous thread someone recommended the equivalent of cold cap therapy for the hands and feet. They used iced ' hot water bottles '. The theory is that the cold limits the nerve damage caused by the chemo and reduces its damage in these areas. Possibly something to run past your team?

  • My finger nails have been sensitive since cycle 2 (cycle 6 was meant to be yesterday and came on to post regarding that), a few have red blotches under them however I am managing with them with simple everyday tasks but anything that requires a strong grip or even washing/drying dishes is extremely uncomfortable so I'm excused that. 

  • I spoke to the triage team a couple of weeks ago regarding something else and also mentioned my finger nails and they suggested a cold cap when having the Docetaxel 

  • Hi   the advice by me and others on this website not to use Dr Google is not given because we are in contempt of the information, but rather to suggest to people who are in turmoil at the start of their journey, that they need to be cautious where they go for initial info.  You will notice that some of the members on here do an amazing amount of research on Google etc, and are experienced enough to send useful links (Dr Mark Scholz for example). Our intention is far from dismissive of Google but when people are newly diagnosed and often tell us they don’t know where to turn we try to offer practical advice and experience.  David