Low white blood cell count after pelvic radiation treatment.

  • 5 replies
  • 142 subscribers

Hello All I was given a 6 week radiation treatment after my BCR at rt iliac lymph node.

Since then my wbc count has been decreasing. Initially i was told that its a temp.effect of the radiation and will be normal after a month or so.

But now its been a year since the radiation, and my last wbc done in end of september 24, is at 3400 below the range which in my country is 4000.

Did anyone have a similar effect and have they recovered? Does it point to something worrisome?

Why is it not increasing and coming back to normal? In terms of my other values in my CBC report, my Hb varies from 12.5 to 13.5, and platelet count is healthy.

The low wbc is due to low neutrophils which are 1700 et now.

Any inputs are welcome.