Just talked to my oncologist

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My psa has risen but not to alarmingly. My oncologist is not unduly worried and we have agreed to carry on with bicalutomide and request a pet scan..  he says the detectable cancer is so small it doThinkingn't warrant chemotherapy. He's trying to avoid any treatment with stroke/heart attack risk.Anybody who has been down this route Thinking I would be grateful for any advice Pray I feel in good health. 

  • Hi Big Col.

    Yes my story is currently similar to yours my PSA was originally 1000+ and now stands at 1.79 which is unfortunately on the rise and my consultants registrar told me at my last appointment not to worry keep taking the HT.

    My consultant originally told me that I would be put on to chemo at some stage when things change so we are trying to see him sooner than the original appointment.

    I have also had a Stroke previously in 1998 at the age of 32 but I did manage to return to near normal life (walk,talk, work and much more) 

    I do hope that this is helpful and please let me know if there is anything that I can help you with further???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Hi  
    I was just reading your bio and my eyes nearly fell out of my head ! 1000 down to 50 in one month! That shows the power of Ht. what one do you take? Bw’s consultant told us once that he would still be ok with his PSA if it got up to 10 which surprised me, clearly more chilled about things than we are. I hope things settle down again for you and you get your appointment soon to see what’s happening. 

  • Hi  

    it’s good that your consultant is giving you a pet scan to check what’s happening. Not that I know of course, but they will probably give another type of Ht to bring things back down again. Mr Bw had bicalutomide initially, then the Zoladex implant and then Abiraterone as well. There’s lots of different Ht treatments available to try.

    best wishes 


  • Hi Big Col, I'm slightly ahead of you, my PSA has risen at my last 3 tests, biochemical recurrence, next one early September will almost certainly rise again ,  a PSA of1.5 is my mark for reatment to change,  I understand your PSA rise will be higher than mine before your treatment will change, this is due my unusual diagnosis, it's likely, as in my case you will move on to 1 or 2 different HT drugs, I am also hoping we may take a holiday from treatment or or maybe go to intermittent treatment to extend my time on HT, I too have heart issues which limit my options,  which my recent PSMA scan looks likely to reduce my options even more. 


  • Hi BarryW.

    Thanks my friend yes I nearly fell off my seat when he told us we had to get him to show us on his computer.

    I'm taking Apalutamide Tablets and Prostrap Injections and yes it does show the power of HT against the Cancer.

    Hopefully I can get an appointment sooner as I have had to add liquid morphine to my list of meds due to the bone pain.

    I do hope that everything is well with you both???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Yes thanks.   He didn't want to put me on injections...stroke and heart risks. He wasn't unduly worried but its scarcity time again. 

  • Thanks Blush it's just a case of where the little bugger is  ?

  • Hi Big Col.

    Many thanks, when I was put on the tablet's and injections they never mentioned anything about my Stroke and Brain Hemorrhage before the HT and I didn't think/worry myself as dealing with the cancer was my first thought.

    Prostate Worrier.

  •   Yes all is good atm. Do you think RT for bone pain could be on the cards? Certainly mr BW has had no bone pain since RT ( previously constant pain in pelvis and upper legs ) not a bit in the last year.  Watch out for feeling physically sick with morphine’s, you can get something to stop that though. I hope you can get an appointment soon. 


  • Hi

    I have had a Prostrap injection, and now have Apalutamide Tablets to take. Think will start taking after the weekend - how have you found them? Any side affects?
