Bowel problems

  • 3 replies
  • 145 subscribers

I have completed 16 radio therapy sessions with 4 more to go to complete my 20 treatments. All was going well until in the last few days I have become badly constipated. Expecting just the opposite I had tailored my diet to a low fibre intake. I have since reverted to my normal diet, but avoiding foods notorious for causing wind. I have the weekend off, so saw my Doctor on Friday who prescribed Molaxole sachets to be taken dissolved in a small glass of water. They have not really worked. I produce a small amount of runny faeces, nowhere near enough to properly empty my bowel The last 2 RT sessions were showing gas, although not sufficient to delay the treatment. I am very anxious to get my last few treatments done without any delay. Anyone here had a similar experience or can offer advice??

Many thanks

  • They will probably give you a simple enema to administer before your next session (or two).  Don’t worry, it’s normal to have a bit of a struggle for the last few sessions.  Also, the worry and tension before these sessions will probably assist this and your “fight or flight” reaction will enable you to open your bowels more easily.  You’ll be fine - the radiologists will have seen this many, many times.     AW

  • Because it’s been very warm you have probably been sweating more and have become a bit dehydrated which can cause constipation. I would suggest drinking more water.

  • Hi  .

    The Molaxole is also sold under the brand name of Dulcolax and contains Lactulose. It can take 2 or 3 days to work as it is a more gentle laxative than a rectal enema. Drinking plenty of water can help.