
  • 5 replies
  • 132 subscribers

Good evening all mine is a relatively simple question, i have no appetite at all and i mean none at all, everything i try and eat tastes foul, i have tried protein shakes, soups, eggs, steak, chicken, yogurt, cream cake, ice cream  everything mentioned on here i have previously seen i have tried, 

i have a blender on route from amazon arriving tomorrow, thinking of making fruit smoothies maybe some sort of soup, so any advice recipes would be greatly appreciated, i have lost 3 stone since Chemo started and i need to try to gain weight,

thanks in advance folks.     

  • Good morning spursfan.

    That is a lot of weight to lose in a relatively short time and needs to be reported to the chemotherapy team as the dose of Docetaxel given is based on your body weight. They may also be able to give you more supportive drugs to try and reduce side effects which might also then improve appetite.

    During your chemotherapy session, plus half an hour after, try sucking on frozen pineapple and ice cubes - this reduces the blood flow to the mouth which prevents the Docetxel from attacking the cells in the mouth and reduces the issue with the foul taste.

    I regularly make a chicken and vegetable soup with added protein in a big pot and then store it in portions in the freezer. First cook a couple of chicken portions in the oven with a little olive oil for half an hour, then cool and shred the meat. Whilst this is cooking you can then sweat off two chopped onions in a big pan with a little oil. Then add in chopped vegetables of choice such as carrot, sweet potato, pepper, celeriac, a tin of tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli and anything which might be lurking in the fridge which might be looking a bit sorry for itself, along with a chicken stock cube. Lentils will give added protein, as will Chia seeds. Cook until the veg is softened for about 20 to 30 minutes. Cool then blend and return to the pan with the shredded chicken plus a tablespoon of turmeric and some herbs of choice such as thyme or parsley.

    For a simple soup just put a head of celery and broccoli chopped into a pint of milk and cook on the top of the stove until softened. Blitz in the machine then return to the pot, add some seasoning to taste and swirl with cream and some fresh parsley (very well washed). Many soups can be made in this way such as carrot flavoured with coriander. Tomato and basil. Mushroom. Pea and mint. Herbs and spices are good for adding flavour but must be cooked as they are classified as 'dirty'.

    Adding rice or preferably Kinoa will add carbohydrate for energy as well as some protein. Lentils and pulses are a good source of protein but best soaked overnight before cooking.

  • Hi  , that is too much to lose in 2 months.  You must talk to your team and report it.  Hopefully the suggestions from AH will help.  Have you tried eating nuts (not salted)?  Good luck with your last few chemo sessions.  David

  • thank you so much alwayshope 

  • I have a soup maker  throw anything in press smooth or chunky and press start, I throw a load of veg in red lentils whatever some stock and it is better and tastier than any shop bought soup with no additives 

  • spice up ur food a bit i found that helped 

    the weight loss needs addressing , i presume ur on ht as well which u will put weight on with !!