PSA going up

  • 4 replies
  • 131 subscribers

Hi All 

I just had my result of my latest PSA test

It had gone down to 0.26 in February and in was 0.43 in April.

I was hoping it was a blip and was waiting to see what the one in July read.

It was 0.87

So it's basically doubling every 3 months

I thought the April one might have been down to exercise the day before the test so this time I did no exercise for a week other than walk the dog

What will be the next course of action?  The oncology consultant will get the result but I haven't got a telephone consultation with him arranged yet

Needless to say I'm not happy about it.

I'm currently on a 3 monthly injection of Triptorelin and nothing else

Any advice is appreciated

  • Hi there

    we have had a similar experience -0.03 just after RT and then 0.06  6 months later - so a bit lower than your but still doubled. The oncologist told us that these are such low numbers and that PSAs do ‘bounce around’. We were also told that they do not worry until the PSA reaches 2.0.  My husband finished ht in May this year and we have been told to expect an increase ( blood test on Friday) . 

    That said, there does seem to be a trend with your results while still on ht. Speaking as no expert but as somebody who needs to make sure that everything is under control, my own response to your situation would be to contact oncology and express my concerns - if only to make sure it is flagged up with the oncology consultant.

    i hope all goes well for you!.

  • Thanks for the reply
    I know that the numbers aren't big yet but the upward trend is what is worrying me.
    I usually get a telephone appointment sent to me shortly after the test results as they go through to the Oncology department

    Like you, I'm a bit of a control freak and it annoys me when something isn't doing what it should.

    I guess I just have to wait until I get an appointment.

  • Hi Slartibartfast.

    I don't think I would be happy with a trebling of PSA within 6 months, especially after the bad time you had on chemotherapy. The first thing that needs to be done is to try and find out whether there is a recurrence of your original area of cancer or whatever something has erupted elsewhere. The best type of scan is a PSMA PET CT scan which, with a PSA of 0.87, is more likely to be able to identify if there is an area of concern. This would then direct if a targeted radiotherapy could be suitable or a more widespread treatment is needed. It is usual to remain on the injections but another option might be to add in a second generation antiandrogen. There has been some evidence that dealing with a recurrence sooner rather than later produces better long term results but you will have to be guided by the experts.

  • Hi,

    Just looking at your profile. WH and WW were right to say you should contact your oncologist  and chase a meeting. You had chemo and HT injection. I did not see RT in your profile or 2nd generation HT. There are lots of tools in their box so chase for a meeting and see if plan B is needed. The PSA is still low but the direction of travel needed to be reversed.

    Lots of love
