Meeting with Oncologist

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  • 136 subscribers

Met with on oncologist and he didn’t ask many questions but had a plan in place already .

PSA 14

T3 B N1 MX. Localised Advanced  They think he has involved lymph nodes in his groin . 

So he’s starting  on Abiraterone  tomorrow . Needs to get his bloods done every two weeks . He will have a MRI scan  before he is seen again 10th October . If the lymph nodes in his groin are cancerous they will shrink but if they aren’t they will stay the same . So if the lymph nodes are involved he will get localised radiotherapy just to his prostrate . if they are not he will have intensive radiotherapy. He said he can’t say if it’s curable until we are seen next but he did say if it’s not,   there are other things he can do .

 So it’s another three month but on a treatment pathway .

can anyone tell me when the side effects start with this ? 

thank you all for the support xx

  • Hey

    Fantastic to hear that the spread is localised and there are no bone mets!

    You have a plan now and I hope that eases your minds somewhat.

    Praying that the next 3 months goes.well for you.


  • Hi johnam.

    That's great to hear that the oncologist thinks it is localised.

    I'm very happy that you have got a treatment plan in place now.

    Yes I started on Hormone Therapy (injections and tablets) straight away which brought my PSA down within weeks.

    My side effects started straight away (hot flushes weight gain and fatigue) mind you these are better than the alternative (cancer spreading)

    I have found ways to help with the hot flushes which are by far the worst.

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Hi   My OH. started with bicalutamide and  had his first Prostap injection 25th June . He’s been ok so far other than fatigue  and a bit of weight loss but we’re putting it down to the time waiting to be see . The oncologist agreed it could be  .  He now starts the Abiraterone with Prednosoline tomorrow .  Just hoping he doesn’t have any other side effects . We also have a list of dates when he has bloods done & blood pressure checks . So pretty organised till  October.  


    Liz & OH XX

  • I am very glad that you have a plan.

    Here's hoping that the very exitence of the plan will help with the anxiety.

    I have almost the same diagnosis as you do although my PSA started lower at 7.39. My cancer is, however, Gleason 9.

    The main difference, I think, is that I have had the MRI scan and the only known affected lymph node is in the pelvic area.

    So my plan is 37 fractions of radical radiotherapy, but it 6 months time to allow hormone therapy to shrink both my prostate and the tumour. I can't compare directly, because I have been prescribed Zoladex.

    I tried very hard to find out how soon the side effects for Abiraterone start, but the only comment I could find was "within the first few weeks". The same is said of my medication.

    There was this - which is a leaflet produced by the drugs manufacturer If offers Journal Entries designed to help you monitor the experience.

    When I got my plan it felt as if a load had been lifted. I get my next Zoladex injection tomorrow, and I'm looking forward to it, because it is another step in the procedure.

    Keep smiling, it confuses everybody. If, when you tell someone that you have prostate cancer (or your husband does) and then grin at them like a loon, you get some really funny expressions.

  • Hi Liz & OH ( 

    It's a plan and things look good - you are on the treatment pathway and have a contact to get hold of now.

    Side effects are different for us all - he may well be lucky and not get too many.

    Time to relax - sit back, take a breath and enjoy one another's company and raise a glass to the future.

    Thanks for keeping us posted.

    Best wishes - Brian

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thank you will check out the leaflet xx

  • Awe thank you Brian it’s much appreciated 

    Liz & OH. 

  • Hi Johnam, good that you now have all the facts and figures and that you have a plan. We none of us get a guarantee of cure so I would not recommend worrying about that one :) The important thing now is for you both to relax a bit and get on with your lives and  enjoy the best of each day . Tomorrow can take care of itself!  Xxx

  • Thank you very much . Yes I’ve got a glass of vino in hand . We just need to get on with our lives in amid the appointments .

    liz & OH X