The day has arrived

  • 9 replies
  • 150 subscribers

We are finally seeing an oncologist tomorrow to discuss a treatment plan after 122 days waiting. Don’t know whether to cry, scream or be subdued .My OH has been changing a door just to keep busy with me being the labourer.  We just hope for some positive news with a plab which my OH feels is right for him . Hopefully I get a sleep after this as have seen most hours in the clock for weeks . 
Liz & OH 

  • Hi Jonham welcome to the  forum. I have popped in from another thread and hope this is ok. I just wanted to wish you both all the luck in the world for those results tomorrow and we are hear for whenever you need us to be.

    Sending some hopeful big hugs for you both for tomorrow. 


    Community Champion Badge

  • Awe thank you Gail. We’ve been pretty stressed for months now waiting to speak to a doctor . We saw the specialist nurse i5th June but he gave us the wrong  information was offered surgery or HT on a curative pathway . Then he called to tell us no surgery and probably no radiotherapy but no mention if curative just kept saying it’s not terminals . So although we’re needing this tomorrow pretty stressed wondering what the oncologist will tell us . Will update once we get  our heads round it xxx

  • Hi there

    Good luck for tomorrow, I hope all goes as well as it can and I’m still appalled at the length of time you have waited to see a consultant. What a time you’ve had. 

    let us know how you go 

    A x

  • Hi Liz & OH ( 

    I hope all goes well later - like you it's been some journey waiting for this appointment - and it's not even mine - it's yours!!

    Fingers and toes crossed.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thinking of you both today. I hope that all goes well for you! Let us know how you get on :)

  • Thinking of you Liz and OH. I hope you get some clarity today and can move forward at last.

  • Awe Linda   Absolutely bricking it tbh . We’ve been out in the garden all morning just trying to keep busy . Thank you for caring xx

  • I went through the lot with the wife in bits for the wait, Mine is treatable not curable, first Chemo today part of triple therapy I am on, that wait seems long I  wonder if its that awful postcode lottery, my high PSA was picked up on the 13th April and I kept ringing for cancellation for scans etc and as I say today was first of 6 chemo appointments, far more people knowledgeable on here but if he was offered  surgery at first hopefully it has not spread, mine has but I am now on the mindset of not stressing about it to much as it isn't going to change anything, good luck you will fell loads better when you have a plan.