3 Monthly Zoladex 10.8

  • 6 replies
  • 134 subscribers

Morning all, yesterday I had my 12 weekly jab in my stomach as normal.  From my records it was my 31st jab, alternating left to right, so my 16th in my right hand side. It was administered by one of the regular nurses and over the years I have learnt to relax which seems to help.  Not only did it hurt much more than normal but remained sore all evening.  This morning it is fine but I know I will get a lovely bruise over the next few days (as normal).  The nurse who administered it was quite apologetic and said that all the other nurses say they get a freak painful reaction every 3 or 4% of jabs.   Anyone else noticed this or any thoughts as to why?  Am hoping that next 30 will be back to normal!
Bloods next week and oncologist on 24th to find out if PSA risen enough to bring in plan B yet. Stay positive. David

  • Good Morning David

    it's a strange one that. Having read many posts on the Community it appears only members having the Hormone Therapy injections in the stomach appear to suffer reactions. I have no idea why.

    I was one of the lucky ones on Decapeptyl. They go into the gluteus maximus and I had no reaction to any of them, plus I was always on 6 monthly (24 week) ones.

    I wish you well with your bloods next week and hope the PSA remains low enough to keep on Plan A and at least another 30 Zoladex jabs!! Upside down.

    Thank you for all the support you continue to give to other Community members, it's not gone unnoticed.

    Kind Regards - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • I have my 3 monthly jab in my backside and it doesn't really hurt but I have been diabetic for 30+ years and have to inject myself with insulin twice a day in the stomach area and most of the time it is painless but occasionally it hurts like someone has stuck me with a red hot needle

    I put it down to hitting a nerve.  Just the luck of the drawer really

  •   , that was exactly the feeling.  Normally no problem. I didn’t even know you have nerves in that part of your body.  Thought it was just fat!

    Hope you are still doing well. David

  • Hi David,

    Ye, finger cross that next 30 will be trouble free. We do not have much experience with that only 4 injections so far.

    All the best with the next blood test and the oncologist, please update us.

    And just to second Brian. Thank you so much for all the support you give us!

    Lots of love


  • Hi David2017.

    Good afternoon, yes I have been having my Prostrap Injections since last June 2023 and to date I haven't experienced any problems!!!

    I also had my next PSA test last Tuesday and by the looks of things my PSA has started to slowly increase.

    Unfortunately we didn't see my consultant this time (on holiday) and the registrar was hopeless!!!!

    I do hope that your next 30 jabs will be back to normal.

    And I do hope that your PSA numbers will stay around the same and that you don't need to think about "Plan B

    Please stay"Positive" and keep us all updated???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • I am so sorry to hear that the PSA has started to rise. I do hope that you get to see your consultant soon.