Side effects

  • 3 replies
  • 133 subscribers

Before I had my operation to remove my prostate I read everything there was to read regarding side effects about what might or what might not work.

Has anyone any experience of this please as this never came up as a possibility.

i woke up after surgery with zero feeling to the front / outside of my right thigh, it’s a very large area covering probably 40% of the front of my thigh. 

It’s caused by damage to the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve giving a condition called Meralgia Parasthetica that causes tingling, numbness and burning pain in the outer thigh, and yup I’ve got all those symptoms.

Anyone heard of this post surgery, will it go away or is this part of the price I have to pay for surgery?


  • Hello JohnyBoy - sorry to hear of this side effect. I’m afraid I’ve not heard of it but one of my children had to have lower back spinal surgery aged just 18. On waking up there was absolutely no movement or feeling in the left arm - being a left handed person, this was terrifying for parents and patient. I couldn’t understand why surgery lower down the spine should cause damage higher up the body. The medical opinion was that the arm had been compressed during surgery causing nerve damage but that things would return to normal. I didn’t feel in the least reassured but everything did return to normal despite my scepticism. I don’t remember it taking so very long. I know it’s not the same operation and not the same part of the body but I just thought that I would tell you just in case there is any similarity in cause and recovery. 

    hth and hope things get back to normal soon!

  • Good morning John ,  as a woman who has had a hysterectomy . I had a similar experience and was prescribe Amitriptyline  it works by increasing the amount of serotonin your brain makes  I notice initial improvements in nerve pain quite quickly . It certainly worked for me  . But you also have to continue to move around albeit it’s painful and wearing loose cotton clothing helped as I found wearing synthetic it aggravated it . Hope you feel better soon. Take care Liz x

  • Your post made me aware that I probably had the same thing , but milder . For me it was only a numb and slightly tingly patch on my right outer thigh which I gradually became aware of in the months after surgery . Not there now , so it must have gone away in a year or 18 months . Never thought to mention it and my French surgeon would just have dismissed it anyway .