Triplet Treatment

  • 8 replies
  • 133 subscribers


Some of you my remember me asking recently on CGC's thread about the 12 week guideline from the start of receiving triplet treatment and getting first H T dose.

Both CGC and Millibob suggested I contact the hospital to see if we can get the 1st oncologist appointment changed.

I tried to do that today but they are so busy, you have to leave a voicemail explaining your query and they will get back to you.

Typically, they tried to call me back and I was in a meeting so they left a message for me.

Basically she said, "yes, the advice is generally 12 weeks and that they have a delay in oncology."

I have left another voicemail asking her to contact me very urgently because if it is a drop dead date, then they are putting my husband's lfe at risk!!

Does anyone know if the 12 week is a drop dead and if so, this will automatically preclude my husband from benefiting from this treatment?

I am at my wit's end worrying about this.

Any comments appreciated, thank you


  • Hi  

    As I have said previously as Triplet therapy is quite new I don't have that much information about it and the only place i can find the 12 week deadline is in this link from Prostate Cancer UK.,for%20other%20prostate%20cancer%20treatments

    I am with you here - keep pushing for a chat with your Consultant and If you can't get the appointment brought forward you want details confirming he could start Triplet therapy at a later date. Let's be honest it will take a couple of weeks after the appointment to get it set up.

    If you are close enough to the hospital a visit may well be an option. the Hospital PALS (Patient Advisory and Liaison Service could also help you here).

    Keep us posted.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hey ALFMF,

    At the appointment we had today we did ask this question, they said if it’s around that timeline it’s fine but it wasn’t clear if it was say 1 week or 1 month out if it would be an issue or not but they did tell us not to worry too much about the 12 weeks. That being I said I’m guessing every hospital has a different approach.

    This is very persistent but I wonder if it’s worth just going to the hospital and asking to speak to someone? Not sure if you’re there in person it may be easier to push it. In addition are you calling the oncology department direct?

    keep us updated on how you get on. 

    Take care xx

  • Just seen Brian recommending heading over to the hospital too! 

  • So long as you are polite, it will help if you are standing in front of the people you want answers from.

    Smile, be polite but firm, and ask for re-assurance.

    I have always found it works just to ask for help, and then follow the conversation.

  • Hi

    I have just spoken to the oncology appt office and they are fully booked until October.  I asked if they had any cancellations and there is nothing and there are already 9 people ahead of us onbthe cancellation waiting list!

    I have left another message with the specialist nurse for her to call me to see if it is going to make in difference so fingers crossed they will call today.

    The hospital is over an hour away so I can't easily pop.down in person unfortunately.

    Thanks guys


  • I guess the main thing then is to get in writing that he can have triplet therapy even if you pass the 12 week point. Hope you manage to make some progress with them today x

  • Thank you for your kind comments and replies.

    The nurse has called me back and has put my mind at rest that it is not a drop dead date and a week or so won't make any difference at all....phew!!

    Thanks again guys, you provide such a safe place 


  • Amazing news, well done on getting it sorted! Xx