Mental attitude and acceptance is the only way.

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  • 135 subscribers

Alwayshope who is an angel in my book has made me realise that life is terminal and we all go one way or the other, no one escapes the grim reaper lol. We can all worry every day and think Cancer till it makes you exhausted, or we can except worrying never changes the outcome, living for the day and not worrying is so much better than constantly worrying about your cancer as the outcome for all of us on this mortal coil from the minute we are born is is the same.... terminable.

Love you all...Neil

  •   ,  you are absolutely right.  Having a cancer diagnosis also gives you time to think about things that matter most to you and to say and do things that you otherwise might have put off.  Keep positive and live for the day!  David

  • Hello  

    Yes as we say in the North West  a proper "good egg".

    It took me about 12 months to realise that this bastard wasn't going away and although I am on a "Curative Pathway" (my favourite phrase) I was going to live my life as I wanted too. I had 10 days in hospital and having never been an "inmate" it opened my eyes to death and near death.

    I am aware of my own journey and diagnosis but I am master of it and it doesn't rule me (apart from appointments) so one of my mantra's now is "One life - live it".

    All I can say to you is you have the right attitude and to quote Doris Day - "Que Sera Sera"

    Thanks for your great post - great to see you around.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • My own experience confirms your thoughts. 

    When first diagnosed I have begun to believe that i was already depressed. I have mentioned this before. 

    I had the usual outburst of worry and panic which slowly eased until i finally meet the oncologist and had a plan. 

    I like plans, especially when they appear to be in my favour.

    The thing is, the depression appears to have gone. I can see there is more sunlight in the world. 

    There are still flurries of worry - like when, as at the moment, between hormone injections doing their thing to prepare for radiotherapy, I keep thinking that there must be something I should be doing. 

    There isn't, but that's how it feels. 

    Nonetheless, I feel good, and am plowing on. 

    Also enjoying life.

    Have a good life, today and all the days. 

  • Thanks for your kind words Neil but I am only one of a team of friends on here who try and help wherever we can because we all remember what it is like when that first diagnosis is given. We have all had our fair share of tears and still get wobbles along the way. We celebrate successes and support others who are going through a rough time. I hope that you will stick with us because you will see that a good sense of humour helps. We have a post 'No specific topic' which is for anyone who wants to let the forum know what they are getting up to - the latest is Sidsmum (Gina) talking about zip wiring, another one has just had a surfing lesson as a birthday present at 77. There is plenty of living to do as we live with cancer, we are not dying of it.

  • I am aware of my own journey and diagnosis but I am master of it and it doesn't rule me
    your words remind me of my favourite poem: Invictus:

    Out of the night that covers me,
          Black as the pit from pole to pole,
    I thank whatever gods may be
          For my unconquerable soul.
    In the fell clutch of circumstance
          I have not winced nor cried aloud.
    Under the bludgeonings of chance
          My head is bloody, but unbowed.
    Beyond this place of wrath and tears
          Looms but the Horror of the shade,
    And yet the menace of the years
          Finds and shall find me unafraid.
    It matters not how strait the gate,
          How charged with punishments the scroll,
    I am the master of my fate,
          I am the captain of my soul.
  • Love this poem - Maya Angelou! 

  • I am probably bringing coals to Newcastle here, but this poem was the favourite of Nelson Mandela.

    A film was made of his struggle, and was, naturally, called Invictus.

    Nelson Mandela was payed by Morgan Freeman, an actor who I have a great deal of time for.

    Morgan Freeman has read the poem many times.

    I quite like this one:

    If you like the poem this might be quite a nice reading.

  • I went to Joburg on assisted passage as a 21 year old newly qualified electrician in 1975. all paid for by SA government, on arrival the hotel we were staying at had a bench outside WHITES ONLY, 

  • Oops, got muddled up with ‘Still I rise’ by Maya Angelou - her poem is equally inspiring if anyone is interested.