Oncology meeting today: what next

  • 12 replies
  • 135 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I thought I will report on our appointment today as we learnt facts we did not know:

Firstly Jacob is doing well at the moment ( we knew that). We did not know that he has multiple lesions because the bones scan report only counted 3 bones however the oncologist showed us the scan and you can see multiple points around the back and pelvic area. That's the bad news. 

They are not going to deal with the mets as there are too many for zapping by SBRT. Full stop!

So what next? When the HT will stop working it will be chemo.

Here is the part which I thought you all be interested in: Letetium.

Our doctor said that the Royal Marsden is looking for people for clinical trials when everything stop working. Actually, if any of you at the stage when HT and chemo do not work any more you could get a referral to RM for clinical trials of Let. The success rate of let is about 33%. They sent few people and one is going strong 2 years later. This is on the NHS. Privately is £100,000.

BRCA therapy: the genetic gene. He said this apply to about 10% of the patient only and the treatment give you 6 months or a bit more.

As we know currently there is no point for PSMA PET CT because the PSA is brilliantly low at 0.02. 

So here we go, I thought some of you will be interested in the above figures and facts.

Lots of love


  • Aw Dafna ( 

    I am so sorry to read about the bad news - the various mets where the cancer has gone "walkabout". The good news is he's doing great on HT alone (I know he's zapped some with Radiotherapy).

    It's also interesting reading what your Consultant has said about the clinical trials so thanks for posting this.

    I hope his HT continues working lifelong and as  says "there are more tools in the tool box" if and when needed. I think the thing with all of us on HT is "what next". But in Jacob's case it's working so if it's not broke don't fix it!!

    Thank you for your continued support to the Community - it's not gone unnoticed.

    Kind Regards - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Dafna.

    I am very sorry to hear that Jacob has got multiple lesions which I believe I have too (bad news)

    Yes I believe that chemo will be my "plan b" as well "fingers crossed "

    I have looked "far and wide" for any new trials and I have come across "Letetium" but I would be happy in any trials that come my way once required.

    I do hope that everything goes well with Jacobs up and coming treatment.

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Thank you PW

    Lets hope plan B is still far far away for all.

    Lots of love


  • For anyone interested, here's a link to the open clinical trials being run by Cancer research UK on Prostate Cancer.


    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Brian,

    Thank you for the link to the list of trials.

    I am not going to pretend that I understand much of the trial information, but I was excited that there are so many - almost thirty!

    When thinking about this (for me) newly acquired diagnosis I started looking at the future. Not my own future, specifically, but what is being done to extend and modify treatment.

    I am on a curative pathway and have some hope that my cancer with be blitzed into non-existence. I was curious about what happens if it returns further down the line, so I began to look at what is developing.

    It's amazing! I would advocate that no one gives up, because cancer will be, if not defeated, then treated for long periods of time and with fewer side effects as the next few years go on.

      has often mentioned that there are treatments now which weren't available when he was first diagnosed 7 years ago.

      has mentioned that immunotherapy is difficult because prostate cancer comes in many forms which cause all sorts of difficulties.

    Yet looking at the trials on the Cancer Research web page, more are coming, and techniques are being refined. For the people in this community there will soon be Plan C, and possibly even Plan D.

    If medical computing continues to grow, and with the use of Artificial Intelligence, new drugs, treatments and personalised vaccines may well be become more effective and. critically, cheaper.

    As you can see, excitement leads me to blathering on about things where I have painfully little knowledge.

    Thank you again Brian

  • Good Afternoon  

    If you have a closer look at the link you will see the following:

    29 Trials open for people to join

    93 Trials closed to new people but in progress and

    129 Trials completed with published results.

    I fully agree with you research is the "tree of life" and the more is done the more potential treatments and "cures" are being found.

    I would like to quote two things from your excellent post:

    I am on a curative pathway and have some hope that my cancer with be blitzed into non-existence. I was curious about what happens if it returns further down the line, so I began to look at what is developing.

    Not only are your first 5 words my most quoted sentence - I too am curious, but having been on the Community for 30 months - I worry less as I have seen what may well be on it's way if my Hormone and Radiotherapy hasn't worked.

    It's amazing! I would advocate that no one gives up, because cancer will be, if not defeated, then treated for long periods of time and with fewer side effects as the next few years go on.

    I hope no one gives up. We as a Community are here foe everyone, no matter what their diagnosis, treatment plan, race, sexual orientation or anything. We have a bond Prostate Cancer, we have a positive attitude and - we fight this as one. 

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi Dafna.

    Not the news that you wanted and I am so sorry that Jacob has more mets than you originally thought. I am keeping everything crossed that the HT continues to work for a long time.

    We were given similar figures for Lutetium 177 and BRCA but there has been a lot of work going on with other genes as well which is why hubby is being checked for 32 different parameters. For bone mets there is Radium 223 which is also a targeted therapy that may be a possibility. Even if all the bone mets cannot be zapped I am wondering if it may be a possibility if individual ones start to cause pain.

    On a positive note, having the PSA at 0.02 after a relatively short time is a good sign. Also the radiotherapy to the prostate that he had will continue to work for many months thus dealing with the cancer in that area. You have a plan B with the chemotherapy and then this can be repeated if necessary.

    Keep your chin up - I look forward to your posts as you are always so positive and helpful with a good dose of common sense. We have learnt to enjoy every day and to deal with the setbacks when they arise, and I know you and Jacob will do the same.

  • Hi  

    Hubby has already been through plans A B C and D so now we are looking at E F G and H. There's life in the old dog yet.

  • Does your Hubby know you refer to him as an "old dog"?

    He is in good company.

    My family refer to me as "Bird" for no reason that I know.

    I made the mistake of asking them "What type of Bird?" hoping for something exotic and noble.


    It's a pigeon.

    Rolling eyes

  • Thank  you AH. We are still optimistic and living the moment.

    Lots of love
