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  • 135 subscribers

Just an update from me 

Scan results not good…..the liver scan showed his liver is worse. My better half is having a liver biopsy at the moment to see exactly what is happening and then hopefully to come up with a treatment plan. Our consultant hasn’t updated on the Bone and CT scans yet as he is concerned about the liver situation….but now I’m thinking him saying little means the other scans may not be good either, even after all the HT, Darolutamide and Docetaxel…….

Anyway…hopefully the biopsy goes well….just a bit of concern from the doctor as my OH has been on blood thinners too. Fingers crossed we can face the next challenges and that they can come up with a new treatment plan which will give us some stability for a change…..this journey is so hard atm…..but we are going to stay positive and find a way of fighting this thing! 

Hi all,

I haven’t  posted for a while….my better half has been having chemo. First three sessions went fine, no side effects….

but after the 4th he started getting discomfort in his tummy area and they have postponed further chemo until he has MRI CT and bone scans done. Our consultant  thinks his liver is enlarged and this is causing the discomfort so they have now rung to day the scans have been bought forward to see what is going on….

The PC had spread to lymph’s and his liver undetected, even though he was started on HT when the PC was diagnosed last June. Turned out that his cancer doesn’t secrete much although blood tests showed his PSA had dropped from 343 to undetectable it wasn’t a true indication of what was going on and the cancer had spread by January this year…..he had no scans between September and January…

Now we’re back to that state of pure dread, which everyone on here knows well…….our Consultant wouldn’t speculate, but I know he is concerned……we certainly wouldn’t have expected things to deteriorate during treatment…… better half is on the triplet therapy, doxcetaxel, diaralutimide and Prostrap…….

Just wondered if anyone had a similar experience on their journey….

We were hoping things would improve but they seem to be getting worse…….and it’s hard sometimes to be optimistic….

  • Good morning  

    I am so sorry to read what has happened on Mike's journey - I am aware it's hard keeping track with a non-secreter as the PSA level isn't a true indication. It's good news that his team are on the case and I hope further progress can be made once he's had his MRI and CT scan.

    I am only on HT/RT myself so I can't answer your question fully but as the forum is busy this morning and you have not had any replies I  thought by me replying your post would be "bumped" back to the top and noticed by others.

    If I can do anything for you please let me know.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi 

    I have been on the big three some eight years ago. Now back on it again, except for the radiotherapy, which may come after the chemo.

    like all of us on here, we fight to stay with our loved ones, my wife’s watched me being put through a ringer, the stress and strain on her is unbelievable. Then I slipped at the bottom of the stairs, I was really doing good to, now I have back spasms second to none, used all types of pain killers and patches. I know these things take time, just hoping for a little respite.

    Battling this thing is half the problem, staying positive is a must, even after eight years, I always say listen to your body, ( in my case it’s gone deaf ) people are there to help, ask them questions if your not sure.

    Stay safe


  • Hi  .

    So sorry to hear that you are on this rollercoaster and can understand how you feel as my husband has had 3 recurrences so far in 4 years. It appears that the longer our men are treated with HT the more likely they are to develop the rarer variant prostate cancer mets, in my husband's case it was in the adrenal glands. These were treated a couple of months ago with SBRT and the latest indication from recent MRI's is that it is doing its job for now. I have no knowledge of liver mets but know that they offer extra challenges for Mike. Hopefully it might be acute liver injury which is causing the problem and that once it has settled down he can resume chemotherapy or they might suggest something else. 

    Please let us know how you both get on with the tests and what plan B is. Keep positive, we are all rooting for you.

  • Thanks for the reply Millibob…we’re keeping everything crossed for positive scan results…but whatever happens, we will deal with it…we haven’t a choice after all! Your support means the world….

  • Hi Alwayshope…thanks for the reply…it sounds like you and your partner are goi g through the mill too. I will update you when we have some news… would be nice to get some good news for a change to buck us up a bit. This rollercoaster wears you down, for sure…but your support is very much appreciated and thank you for taking the time to respond. Just knowing others are in a similar boat to us is comforting…..keeping everything crossed your journey runs smoothly from now on too….

  • Hi Joeven

    if you can stay positive for eight years we will do our best to do the same….thanks for your support. It’s a comfort to know others are going through a similar thing and doing ok after years of treatment.

  • Just added an update…..wondered if anyone else had experienced similar problems……..this forum is such a help