Bewildered and stunned 'Newbie'

  • 17 replies
  • 136 subscribers

So here I am Gleeson 3+4, type 2a,  8 out of 21 cores one of which was 3+3 at biopsy, MRI confirms confined to Prostate.  There is perineural invasion to one side, so not being offered active surveillance and can onky be nerve sparing surgery on one side only, So I thought my best chance for continence and sex would be RT and ADT got the prescription today.

Oh my god the side effects. 

The Radiologist as prescribed Bicalutamide to help 'keep my pecker up' but was surprised to find I was prescribed Tamoxifen to prevent breast growth? This will be for twelve months. Anyway the side effects are sinking in and is making me wonder if I should take a chance with the surgery.

Is anyone here who had one sided nerve sparing and regained continence and erections?

  •  Hi Millibob,

    The surgery option would have been my first choice, I think? but have perineural invasion on one side. I have asked to see the surgeon to ask does that limit my chances of regaining full continence and 'reasonable' 'stiffies' to 50% of whatever odds I would have normally had. I have received vague everyone is different from nurses so have made an appointment and will ask his a straight question, I think the answer will be Clearly yes but at least I asked.

    TBH as I reflect and accept,  things come into perspective, I am pleased, delighted that at 18.00 yesterday I received two healthy granddaughter twins. So that made me start taking the meds and will plan a great 1st Birthday for them and hopefully the last day of my meds.

    To everyone in this group I have been so lifted by you all, thankyou.

  • Hi Brian how sorry I was to learn you supported Oldham, my wife supports Accrington Stanley so I know how it is, I am Rovers so could get worse before better!

  • Good Morning  

    That's great news - that makes 4 grandchildren to enter the world for Community Members over the weekend - I started it off Friday night with a lovely boy on Friday night and  added another girl on Sunday. Full details are on this thread where we talk about anything from Do-Nuts to Football;

     No Specific Topic  You are most welcome to join us there!!

    Do please let us know what your consultant says and indeed if you decide to go for the surgery - I didn't have a choice but if I had I would have still gone for the HT/RT route!

    As for football - I worked for Accrington Stanley when they were in the National League and could tell your wife some stories - and John who works for me comes from Accrington and is a supporter - It's a small world!!

    Best wishes - Brian

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Two more new arrivals this weekend, in addition to a grandson for Millibob and a granddaughter for Eddie. Many congratulations and I hope mum and daughters are thriving.

    Also well done on starting the HT but please come back if you start to get any side effects as there is usually someone around who can advise if they are normal and maybe give some tips on how to ameliorate them.

    The article I have linked seems to suggest that the side effects from single side nerve sparing surgery are more closely aligned to the non nerve sparing end of the spectrum but it also depends on which ones are involved so definitely a question for the surgeon.

  • How wonderful - twins! Congratulations! Lots of hard work but lots of fun ahead of you and your family! I know cos we have twin daughters!

  • Congratulations on the birth of you granddaughter . Enjoy . 
    take care 

    Liz x

  • Hi Jay962, WOW twins, I'm so happy for you and all your family, I hope mum and babies are all doing well, PS I went down the HT+RT route, lost libido for a couple of months and a little urinary incontinence which didn't stop intercourse, I could always get an erection, I chose not too because of the leakage, though we ere still intimate.
