I might sound daft asking

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  • 133 subscribers

Ok i couldn’t sleep last night again and checked and double checked OH. Biopsy paperwork . It says 6 biopsies right side and 6 left . When we had our meeting with the SN. He said he had 6 done in total and OH said yea I could hear 6 being collected. Can someone explain as I would have said he had 12 done not 6 ????? 

  • Hello Johnam, for extra clarity, did he have the TRUSS biopsy ( going through the back passage) or the template biopsy ( going through the perineum - now the most common method) ? 6 cores with a template biopsy sounds quite low in number?

    sorry you couldn’t sleep - neither could I!!!! Insomnia is the pits:( 

  • Yes it was a Truss biopsy he had . This not sleeping is no good x

  • Hello  

    With a TRUS biopsy you can "hear" the sound of the collection every time a sample is taken and feel it too!!. My team told me how many samples were being taken and I counted/felt every one.

    It's normally 10 -12 samples but if it's done in conjunction with an MRI it can be less (I had only 8 taken!!).

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Thanks Brian . OH said he had 6 and the SN agreed . Yes he felt every one of them . So now am wondering !!!! As with everything else by the SN . Head all over the place right now x

  • Hi  , sounds like a question for the medics.

    I slept badly when I was diagnosed and probably for a year or two after.  I visit the loo minimum of twice a night (sometimes four times) and getting back to sleep would take hours.  I think as I worried less about my PCa as the years went by my sleeping improved, but started to go wrong again in summer 23 as we were waiting to move house.  Now we are settled I am sleeping well again.  I think it can only be worry and stress.  The problem seems to be a vicious circle with less sleep you worry etc.  Good luck with trying to break the cycle, if it helps it does get better.  David

  • Thanks David , my OH is struggling to sleep too .once we actually see a consultant we might feel better knowing what’s going on . Trying to keep busy during the day and hopefully get a sleep at night but it’s not working . Told in March he had C and it’s just awful the wait to see anyone . 
    thank again 

    Liz x

  • Hi J

    I can't remember your stats but I think lowish.

    I must say I did think that a truss biopsy was a few more but as Brian has said suppose 8-12 ok, I think I only had 8, just checked it.

    The thing to check here though is why the paperwork says 6+6 , obviously 12  and verbally u were told 6 in total, I'm surprised that they couldn't give u a decent answer when   asked.

    Anyway fingers crossed the Gleeson will be a 6 or 7. or less obviously

    Good luck


  • He’s got a Gleason of  3+4. 7 . Yea we are getting the run around but I will be on the phone in Monday as we are being told one thing and then it’s all change . Roll on 18th July which is 122 days from diagnosis to see the oncologist . Lots of unanswered questions . thanks Grundo . X. 

  • Hi johnam, It is not daft to ask any question, not asking is being daft. I too had a TRUSS 4 cores taken both sides of the prostate, I was told as imaging is improving there has been a slow reduction in the number of cores taken as they can see more clearly where to take samples from. Like many I couldn't sleep, 18 months on 2hrs a night, going too the loo up to 8 time a night didn't help' but my main problem was falling asleep in the first place 3-4 hours was normal, sometimes never, and the biggest reason was anxiety, If you are suffering with anxiety your brain does not want you to sleep it wants you alert and ready to flee as it perceives anxiety as danger, Like everyone I tried all sorts to sleep with little improvement, After 15 months of this my GP referred me to respiratory but suggested i do a stress/anxiety and relaxation course, which turned out to be the best thing I could have done, within 10 weeks I was sleeping well and have been doing so for the last 6 months, though recently it has got a little harder, but I have my my first respiratory appointment in 2 weeks, just under a year.

    Eddie xx

  • Thank you Eddie,  my daughter was working today and I ended up calling her and asking her how many  biopsies her dad had . 6 she said so my train of thought was correct . So I need to call the SN tomorrow and ask why it stated 12. I’m starting to double guess myself and it’s not me on the HT.  we have a phone consultation with our own GP. So will see what she says first .x