New here just about to start treatment

  • 13 replies
  • 134 subscribers

Afternoon all .

Newbie as such , all my stats info etc in on my profile .

Seems a bit daft but on here asking if i have missed anything in what i am being offered or agreeing to. Not being or wanting to be an expert but stumbling along as we go .

Was pointed here via the local Macmillan nurses at St Marys hospital , and have to say reading all the posts gives a great deal of comfort to anybody starting this journey so thank you to all that post on here .

Basically I start my radiation therapy in 2 weeks time , I have been very fortunate that my only side affect so far are a few hot flushes at nightime( not every day) and the need for visit toilet around 3 to 4 am . Did not even know i had prostate cancer until i went for a free local PSA test (never had any symptoms).

As i live on the Isle of Wight my radiation therapy is at Portsmouth QA hospital so i get the dubious pleasure of a hovercraft ride every morning to the mainland for treatment glad its the summer and not the winter months.

Sorry if it seems a trival question but a little reassurance that i have not overlooked anything

many thanks
  • Hello  .

    A warm welcome to this friendly and sometimes wacky group. It looks as if you have an excellent medical team behind you and having had the PSMA PET CT scan you have a pretty accurate idea of exactly where the cancer is. This helps with targeting extra radiotherapy to the parts that need it, plus the standard dose to the rest of the pelvic area. Your treatment plan sounds pretty comprehensive. You will soon get into the routine of your daily visits but may find that the fatigue builds up the longer you are having the radiotherapy. Let the radiographers know if you start to experience any side effects and they will be able to help. All the best and please come back with any questions.

  • Hi Alwayshope

    Many thanks for the reply , I already get a few tired spells , so expecting the radiotherapy may have more of the same affect , need to up my walking i think .

    Once the treatment starts i can get more of a routine going i hope .

    thank you again


  • Hi Ian. Don't forget to listen to your body as well and rest when it tells you to. Don't overdo it on good days but learn to pace yourself, especially as you have extra travelling challenges.