Numb foot (peripheral neuropathy) and prostate cancer

  • 1 reply
  • 153 subscribers

I discovered my prostate cancer when I went for tests for a numb foot, peripheral neuropathy. They did blood tests that showed my raised psa. Scans and biopsies have confirmed the cancer. I am having HT injections and radio therapy. My question is whether anyone else has experienced this condition as a symptom of prostate cancer?

  • Hi Mount Peter.

    Good afternoon it's great to meet you today sorry though you have joined our prostate family but "hey ho"

    Yes my Cancer was also picked up by mistake last June 2023. Following a Stroke I had many many problems leading up to having nerve issues with my bladder.

    I was having a bladder scan due to surgery when my Urologist/Consultant picked up a large shape (Prostate) pressing on my bladder.

    So had I not had the scan then things wouldn't have been picked up as I was a long term permanent catheter user.

    The Stroke caused many neuropathic problems but it did have it's benefits in terms of my Cancer even though it is only "Treatable not Currable"

    Prostate Worrier.