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Hi folks it’s the crazy wife again ..OH’s MDM was today no phone call nothing  but appointments in 1 surgical 24th July and Oncology 6th august 128 days and 140 days since referral . 

Am I being too sensitive be honest or should I harass them tomorrow . Our local MSP contacted NHS exec and he got an email saying they won’t do anything as they are in the middle of an election   I promptly email their CEO asking why ? OMG so  everything comes to a standstill while they party . started looking at private so waiting on further details from two that I “liked the look of”  mmmmm .  Thanks again x

  • Hello Johnam, sorry to read this. If you were in England I wouldd be better able to advise you but I don’t know how the Scottish NHS works.

    what I do know is that I had to (politely) fight tooth and nail to get timely appointments in whatever way I could. Telephone calls, emails, letters of complaint, whatever came to m8nd. He was totally unable and unwilling to talk or engage with anybody - even when we got to appointments! I was exhausted but we got there!

    in the midst of it I heard somebody on the radio say the nhs iss a two tier organisation. Those that can fight their corner get the care. Those who don’t fall by the wayside. Oh so true ……. But so very very wrong! 

    i hope you can get the care your husband needs 

  • Hi johnam, absolutely fight your corner, as WW says, You have two options in Scotland, the patient advice and support service, PASS, all information is online. Option 2 there is also the Scottish public services ombudsman, If you talk to one of the board at the NHS hospital you wish to complain about, that person has to tell you how to do this, maybe just talking to this person could be enough, harass them nicely would be my advice. everything stops for an election what a bunch of b£star$s, best wishes.

    Eddie xx

  • Hi Johnam 

    I’m so sorry to read this, it’s appalling. Firstly I would ring both surgical and oncology to say you will take any cancellation no matter how short notice. 

    Sadly I think if you can I would look at private. I know that it’s not going to be possible for many.  This wait is totally unacceptable. 
    in England I think private first appointments to just talk to consultant are are £220ish . It would hopefully give you an idea of surgery is possible or not? 
    before you do this though I would be sure that you can opt into the NHS for his treatment if you need to and if this would speed up the NHS treatment plan? 

    Just my thoughts on it as I now wish we had gone private for the prostectomy with him being Gleeson 9 I’m worried what the wait may have contributed to his final histology Disappointed. His operation is on Tuesday so can’t do anything now! 

    Take care 

  • Good Morning  

    Well good news about the appointments - not the dates. I agree with everyone else "fight your corner". Here's the link I sent to people in Scotland about complaints - you might be aware of this already.

    Good luck on your quest, keep us in the loop please.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Good Morning  

    His operation is on Tuesday so can’t do anything now! 

    From one fellow member of "The Gleason 9 Club" (who still has most of his prostrate) to another.

    I hope all goes well on Tuesday and send my best wishes to both of you. Fingers crossed they will get the lot and he will have a dry speedy recovery. Look after yourself too - partners give so much support quite often without any thanks - you know what us men are like!!

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thank you Annieone , hope the surgery goes well . Please keep in touch about his progress . We are just wanting the surgery and I will politely keep asking 

  • Many thanks Brian . I’ve already contacted PASS and they are drawing up a complaint . It’s supposed to be on Scottish Parliament question time today . So will wait and see . 

  • Hi Johnam.

    Good morning, yes like everyone else is saying I would definitely "fight tooth and nail"

    My OTH is like a "dog with a bone" so everyone had to "stand up and listen"

    Hence everything went very very smoothly as with cancer the "clock is ticking" 

    Yes please please "keep on there case" 

    Please please let me know how things go I do hope things get moving very soon for you both???

    Prostate Worrier.

  • Thank you so much I’m just upset that they are treating or should say my OH so badly in my opinion. He is 72 worked all just life and never had any surgery other than cataracts . Sad state of affairs xx