Update 6 weeks post Radiotherapy

  • 14 replies
  • 134 subscribers

10/05/2024 appointment with oncologist. PSA level 0.07. Oncologist very happy with results. This is my first follow up 6 weeks after finishing the radiotherapy. 
Diarrhoea should get better over the next 3-4 weeks. Pain and weakness in legs is being caused by the hormone therapy and advised to take painkillers if needed but to keep on exercising regularly. Been assigned contact at hospital and put onto patient lead reporting ie booking psa tests and appointments every 3 months and later every 6months or earlier if I have any issues or concerns. 
Overall very happy with the treatment and the way things are going. I hope this may give reassurance for those just starting out on their journey. 
Full details set out in my profile. 

  • Don’t be terrified. The radiotherapy affects people in different ways. I already had problems with my lower back, nerve damage and herniated disc and as I said I had broken my neck in 1971. The diarrhoea part is already calming down but that is easily treated. 
    the actual radiotherapy is a doddle, don’t feel a thing. 
    you need to be positive about the treatment. Onwards and upwards. Stay positive and keep posting on this forum. They will always have great support 

  • Hi Tango,

    That first session is always the strangest one because it's an unknown.  However, in reality it's nothing to be terrified of, as all the staff from reception through to the radiologists are so helpful & friendly.  In my opinion it's actually one of the easiest parts of treatment & as Millibob says it's more akin to lying on a sunbed for a few minutes minus the tan at the end.

    All the best,


  •   Really nothing to worry about.  Let us know tomorrow.  You will be fine.  David

  • Thankyou so much guys amazing how you all help im still hoping to be spiderman though JoyJoyJoy