Zoladex side effects

  • 11 replies
  • 134 subscribers

Hi all, just after some thoughts. I had my second Zoladex implant on Tuesday. So been on it now for almost 5 weeks. Up until this weekend I have had zero side effects.  Last few days I have been experiencing what I can only describe as an internal inflamed feeling in my groin area. I have also got a bit of a wheezy chest.

are these symptoms ones anyone gets with Zoladex or are they just general pain to do with the cancer. I would ask my McMillan contact but they’re not around till Tuesday. Any thoughts? 

I’m stage 4 advanced my numbers are in my profile.

  • Hi  .  I have been on Zoladex nearly 7 years and do get aches and pains.  If the pain is continuous, I would certainly mention it to your team.  If it comes and goes it probably isn’t either Cancer or Zoladex related.  I do get a wheezy chest quite frequently but put that down to pneumonia during chemo rather than the Zoladex.  Again worth mentioning to your team.  Having our diagnosis, I think it is only natural to assume any changes are cancer or drug related.  In my case, I think much of it is age related unfortunately.  Hope you feel better soon, best wishes, David

  • Thanks David, it’s more of an internal inflamed kind if feeling, than aches and pains. I have started sneezing, so that’s probably just a mild cold, like you say overthinking WinkI haven’t started the chemo yet, still waiting for an oncology appointment. 

  • Hi .

    I think that the groin sensation could be a temporary side effect from the ADT injection/implant which stops testosterone production - this is why the testes shrink. It is natural to be concerned about any strange things happening and is always advisable to get checked out.

  • Hi Grantyo12,

    My husband on Zoladex for 6 months now. He says he is breathless when on his daily swim, the oncologist says it is down to depressed testosterone by the HT. But it is not a wheezy chest as you described. No inflamed feeling in the groin area just heaviness in the upper tights. 

    Lots of love


  • OK Dafna. I know the hormone therapy brings out the feminine side but has Jacob resorted to wearing tights - predictive text comes up with real corkers.

  • Hi AH

    Oh you made me lough out loud!

    How are you both doing? When is the next scan?

    Lot of  love


  • Hiya Grantyo12

    Check out my profile for info (It needs updating though)

    I’m just coming up to halfway from my 2nd to my 3rd Zolodex implant. 
    I have had quite a few side effects with hormone treatment. 
    Hot flushes, lack of libido/erections & shrinkage, tiredness, interrupted sleep (waking up drenched in sweat from hot flushes), making the tiredness worse!  Mood swings, made worse by the tiredness and lethargy and last but not least, breathlessness! 
    So, I asked on here and got a few tips, which I followed.  Not one worked!  All that happened is that I had a restricted diet and still had the same symptoms. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the help but that does nothing to alleviate the frustration. 
    I also had some issues with ‘flow’, so was given Tamsulosin. These didn’t help much, so, the consultant said I could double the dose and organise a flow test. This test showed that although my bladder had emptied 90%, the flow was only about 15-20% of what it should be. Doubtless, this will also have its own follow up treatment - thank goodness I get free parking!
    However, this should be taken in the context that I will be starting my SBRT and have been told that I’m a ‘curative pathway, so, despite the bottom lip sticking out now and again when I get frustrated, I’m patently aware that this is a temporary situation.

  • Both doing very well and started swimming in the pool as the weather has really ramped up. It is the start of the tourist season out here so a busy time meeting up with old friends. The next scan is due mid June but hubby has got over most of the side effects from the SBRT. His tummy has definitely gone down so something has happened. The one thing that everyone is commenting on is that he now has a very thick, curly head of hair which is totally uncontrollable thanks to the Chemotherapy.

    Well done to you two for getting through 5 sessions of radiotherapy so far and ring the bell very loudly on Thursday so that I can hear it out here. 

  • Thanks for the reply. OMG sounds like you’re having a right time of it with Zoladex! Up until now, thankfully i haven’t had ANY symptoms! Not even a hot flush. But for me, I guess it’s early days. I started sneezing earlier, so I’m now thinking that the wheezing is actually just a mild cold! Me overthinking! I’m on this for life (stage 4 PCa) so I hope the symptoms don’t kick in TBH. It’s great to hear that they’ve caught you early enough for a curative pathway. Good luck Fingers crossed 

  • HI AH,

    This is so good to hear that you both doing well and the side effects disappearing. And the weather on your side!

    Yes, he will ring the bell so you can hear it on the south side of the MED!

    Lots of love
