Zoladex side effects

  • 11 replies
  • 134 subscribers

Hi all, just after some thoughts. I had my second Zoladex implant on Tuesday. So been on it now for almost 5 weeks. Up until this weekend I have had zero side effects.  Last few days I have been experiencing what I can only describe as an internal inflamed feeling in my groin area. I have also got a bit of a wheezy chest.

are these symptoms ones anyone gets with Zoladex or are they just general pain to do with the cancer. I would ask my McMillan contact but they’re not around till Tuesday. Any thoughts? 

I’m stage 4 advanced my numbers are in my profile.

  • Hey Dafna

    I am further away than   - I am in Turkey so it needs to be LOUDER!!  BellBellBell

    Best wishes - Brian.

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