Results Day

  • 59 replies
  • 137 subscribers

So after calming my anxiety slightly we went to results day at the urology dept. yesterday.With your support and some reading I felt like I was prepared but as we walked into the room with the smiling friendly MacMillan Uro-Oncology CNS how wrong was I!

I will try and keep it brief and update the profile details today.

So in the morning they provided us with a staging/diagnosis of T3bN1M0 Gleason 9. (4+5) Bit of a shock as wasn’t expecting that and he’s had no symptoms.

I asked about the PETscan we had done privately (to move things along) and they hadn’t seen that despite the Team meeting on Tuesday. Little frustrating as I knew this would pinpoint any stray cancer cells and felt this was quite important given the emphasis the private consultant had put on this.

The MacMillan support nurse went off to make calls and get copies. I’d asked for copies of everything. Which they didn’t seem keen on but eventually all was good.

Then the CNS quickly scanned the report and said there was a query with some nodes nothing more specific.. This would later be confirmed by the private consultant as we’d booked a follow up with him that evening. So glad we did, thought possibly it was a waste of his time, as he understood the PETscan report so much better although rather bluntly he said he thought it was more likely to be T3bN1M1a and life expectancy 6-7 years which really hit my husband hard. As he’d even said in the waiting room perhaps it’s nothing. 

CNS started him on a 4 week course of bicalutamide immediately and he’s booked in for his first LHRH analogue injection on Friday next week at our doctor’s surgery. I can’t remember how long that lasts I thought it was every 3 weeks for 12 weeks but husband remembers it differently. There was so much to take in. I tried to take notes and we came out with lots of paperwork and information.

Then chemo which again shocked him as we’d been told previously before full diagnosis etc that it would likely be surgery, hormone therapy and radiotherapy. Not necessarily in that order.

We were told that he now needs an appointment with Oncology which they will do and the waiting time is 12 weeks, which seems an awfully long time. Anxiety kicking in as high grade and aggressive so queried using private cover again and by the time we got home last night the private consultant had already emailed his oncologist colleague.

So there we are. We were expecting cancer but not as advanced as this and I would appreciate any advice please. My husband is not ready yet he said to join support groups as he’s still processing this and I’m just trying to be supportive and glean as much information and life experiences from anyone who has been through this.

Thank you for getting this far. It’s a bit of a jumble and ramble but I’m also still trying to come to terms with the life changes that are about to occur.

  • Hello AlwaysHope

    Thank you for a great post both supportive and extremely informative which is so helpful.

    I think priorities are definitely changing.

  • Hi Barry

    Definitely not what we were expecting but we’ll get through it. I’m also encouraged research and new treatments in the coming years which will be useful and beneficial.

    It’s Complicated as we have private cover but were advised to stick with NHS however due to the long wait times, we’d still be waiting for the biopsy as it was 6 weeks wait time plus 2 week wait for the results. As husband is paying for it thought we’d use it as was anxious enough without the thought of high grade aggressive cancer. It was me that wanted him to use it and the PETscan at that point was not on offer. Also in Buckinghamshire there is a shortage of materials for doing the PETscan so we are lucky to have got in when we did.

    Husband has only been in this job since 1st Feb this year and it’s a 6 month probationary period. Stressful intense programming job in London. If he quits no health insurance. I know we are lucky to have private cover, not sure how much it will cover but we’ll see, but it’s not cheap and will be even more expensive if we take it over if he leaves his job.

  • Hi

    The PETscan was done privately and we waited to see the MDT at the NHS hospital, everyone agreed best course of action. However when we got there yesterday and I asked what the PETscan report said the CNS team leader hadn’t seen it. Support worker rushed off to phone and get copy.

    The CNS gave husband prescription for bicalutamide to start immediately and for us to book LHRH injection with GP surgery within 3-14 days.

    Interestingly the private consultant also didn't have a copy of the PETscan report which had been filed on 11/5. Luckily I had asked for copies of everything and had taken it along as I thought he’d have the full scan. Last time we saw him he had the Bone Scan and MRI scans, presumably from NHS urology team.

    I agree we need to have a definitive staging. After the PETscan on 9/05/24 it was  PIRAD 4/5 T2cN0M0

    At 11am at results meeting it was T3bN1M0, Gleason (4+5) = 9 and by 730pm it was with the added T3bN1M1a with him querying M1b.

    So now we move on to the Oncologist with a 12 week waiting time.

    Hope I haven’t rambled and also I hope I haven’t offended anyone by using our private health care. It’s expensive, it comes with the job and we might as well use it. Rightly or wrongly, and please don’t judge me if it speeds things up it’s good and if that then frees up space for someone without this cover that’s good too.

    I am also slightly confused that certain things are done by the NHS Urology etc and the private sector, there seems to be a cross over as most consultants have private clinics too.

    Thank you for your best wishes.


  • Hi Gill, I think if you have it you should definitely use it at this point because of the extra wait times just won't be there. and of course you can go anywhere you want. I see what you mean about having to carry on working though, my partner works from home which he finds easier, it cuts out the travelling and if he's feeling tired he can work around that. Maybe that's something your husband can do later.  Hopefully he has a sympathetic boss that will work with him on making plans. My partner is having strong meds and theres been times when he's all done in but he still manages to work through ok . He also has a "Sit stand "desk that goes up and down so he's not spending all day in a sitting position. It seems to make a big difference to him .You can always go back to NHS if it doesn't work out.

    Read his bio and you will see he's in a similar position with a similar prognosis, but we are 2 years in and he's doing really well and we are hoping for a lot more years to come x

  • Hi Brian

    Thanks for your reply. Such useful and helpful information in the mountain of paperwork and information. Certainly makes things a bit clearer.

    Certainly puts things into perspective.

    Enjoy your hols! That actually brings me in to another question which I seem to have seen within the vaults of information - holiday insurance and treatment and best time to go.

    We were going to go away before he started his new job but it never happened and just before he tested with a high PSA we were going to book to see our friends in the US in the new year, obviously now on hold. What is the general situation regarding travel etc?

    Thank you all for being with us on this strange journey. 

    Best Wishes

  • It's good that he's started HT to stop it from spreading, in the meantime the most important aspect is to find out if Def M0 or M1.

    If M1 then where is it? Presume bone scan is clear by the way

    Good luck


  • Hello  

    Ah yes - holiday Insurance - once you mention "The Big C" it goes through the roof. We have a place in Turkey so we need worldwide insurance as it's in Asia. Mrs Millibob has a few issues (medical I should add) so before my Radiotherapy after diagnosis it was £2,2K - now after RT it's £ 780 for an annual policy.

    We do have another forum for this and here's the link-

    Travel insurance forum for cancer patients 

    It's going to be a journey - but with all the support here - you will both be fine.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • I was half expecting immediate HT. So I was relieved when they gave us the prescription. Husband was surprised.

    Thats the confusing aspect. Bone Scan on 29th April was clear and a sigh of relief was had by all.

    Apparently M1b can mean spread within the pelvis soft tissue/node area and not just bones. But don’t quote me o that as I might have misunderstood as it he b makes me panic and think bones.

    Thanks for the good luck wishes, gonna need them me thinks!!

  • Thank you all for the support.

    My husband is not ready to reach out yet he says and I am respecting his wishes but are there any tips or hints to show him the way towards support please. 

  • By the way thank you so much for the travel insurance link. Think we might be holidaying in the UK this year til after radiotherapy. Wish the weather wouldn’t be so horrible.