Side effects

  • 32 replies
  • 138 subscribers

Hello to everyone.

My question is about side effects and any advice about them please.

My husband has just started on the tablets but we’re not told when side effects could start.

We were told about some of them but at the time didn’t think to ask how soon they might appear.

If anyone here has had any side effects and are happy to share their experience, I would be very grateful and if you found anything that helped with them?

Even though my husband had just started I would like to get ahead and have things or strategies in place to help him if possible. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this. 

  • Hello  

    So I am Hormone Therapy for 3 years and 29 months in. It took a good 3 months before things started to change. - I could no longer get an erection and then all feeling not even a twinge went. Next hot flushes - boy did I sweat. I lost all my body hair from under my arms and my chest and pubic area. I then grew a pair of "moobs"  (Thanks NHS) and I can cry at the drop of a hat. I have lost muscle mass an have had the odd mood swing and some brain fog. The latest issue is an expanding waist..

    I have sage tablets to stop the hot flushes, Calcium and Vitamin D tablets (on prescription) to help with bone thinning and I try and exercise as much as I can - the dog thinks it's great!!

    Has it bothered me - yes - but then those two word uttered by the oncologist "Curative Pathway" have made it all worthwhile.

    Remember - we are all different and don't get them all (or any!!).

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hello Wife1, my husband had very tingly man boobs while taking the bicalutamide. These have since become larger while having 3 monthly decapeptyl injections. He has also put on a lot of fat around his middle. He has lost a lot of body hair, too. He has

     had occasional ‘down moments’ too . He has only had occasional night sweats . It seems that different people have different side effects. The sexual intimacy side of our marriage has gone.  He sometimes feels tired and fatigued and sometimes appears to have brain fog . I think he has been extremely stoical in coping with the side effects which seem to come and go - some days better than others - and, for that, I love him to bits ! I can put up with these side effects as I know it means that I will have him by my side for longer than if he did not have the hormone therapy. He had his last 3 monthly injection at the end of February and the oncologist has called a halt!  He said it will take 5-6 months for the side effects to wear off but to expect a small elevation of PSA. We feel in a bit of a limbo as we don’t know whether or not he has been cured - only time will tell. That said, a break from the HT is really welcomed - by both of us! I think just knowing he will not have an injection this month has put a spring in his step ( if nowhere else!)

    I think the HT is something you both have to fight. You will need to strike the right balance between understanding but not so much that your hubby puts himself into ‘poorly mode’  but is encouraged to keep going with activities etc as much as possible. He will also need to be reassured that he has your full support - it’s best to look on this as a ‘couple’s illness’!


  • Thank you for your reply.

    It is nice to hear from someone who is going through it. 

    Have you still managed to do your usual activities? I know my husband is wanting to carry on doing everything he used to do. Were you able to?

    I am worried doing too much or certain things can aggravate it or make it move faster. I know that sounds daft, but until scans I am worried anything could do anything. 
    Thank you again your response is so appreciated. 

  • Thank you as well for your reply.

    When did the side effects for your husband start please if you don’t mind me asking? 

    As you said as long as he is here with me that’s all that matters.

    If the is anything else that helped or any advice please let me know. 

    I know my husband is still young but with this age doesn’t matter. 

    Thank you again 

  • Hi  .

    My husband's side effects started to become obvious after about 3 months as far as ED and loss of libido were concerned as well as loss of strength and fatigue (but he was 76 at the time). He did experience muscle and bone aches soon after starting on Bicalutamide but this did not last that long. If your husband is worried about developing man boobs, which is irreversible, then the doctors can give him something to minimise this but it must be started soon.  There is a saying -Use it or lose it so discuss with the doctor the best way to keep the penis functioning during treatment with a good blood flow. This will help for long term recovery and don't be embarrassed. Hubby did get hot flushes but drinking sage tea twice a day helped. There has been some work done on diet and prostate cancer - plenty of fruit and veg, white meat and fish, reduce full fat dairy, processed foods and sugary products, wholefoods rather than refined, caffeine free drinks and avoid fizzy.

  • Hello Wife1, the tingling boobs started within a few days but that passed off after the 4 weeks of bicalutamide.

    the other side effects of the hormone therapy came on very gradually so it was not a matter of things as normal one day and then massive side effects the next. He also had 20 factions of radiotherapy 3 months after starting HT so it was difficult to say whether he was reacting to RT , HT or both.


  • Hi I started HT last Monday and I’m getting hot flushes occasionally,wind and severe tiredness,apart from that I’m fine and pushing on doing plenty off walking and cut right down on food intake cheers Robert

  • Hello  

    We have carried on with life as normal. Mrs Millibob knows what's going on with my body and accepts the changes.

    I have continued with life as normal - I have fought the fatigue- refused the afternoon nap and yes - life is good at the moment. we have missed the some things but the cancer has brought us closer together (we were close anyway - but sex isn't everything - we still have fun!!).

    Just back from a walk - I feel knackered but almost 10000 steps so hey-ho - yes life goes on.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • L.O.L!!!!! Joy 

    “You will need to strike the right balance between understanding but not so much that your hubby puts himself into ‘poorly mode’ “

    you know way too much about men!!!     AW

  • It’s my nursing background Blush