Months after prostate surgery dealing with fatigue others experiences

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  • 131 subscribers


so I had robotic surgery last August. I’ve read on here, on Prostate cancer UK and other places how the fatigue can last months or a year or more. However when I saw my consultant recently because levels I was told had risen, in fact hardly at al. I mention to him just how fatigued I still get. Not like when you haven’t slept but by early afternoon my body just says “ hold on I’ve had enough for today”. He told me there is no universal evidence prostate surgery causes fatigue and it could be male menopause. Great something else to deal with. So if I’m still like it at my next appt in Sept he refer me for further tests. When I leave the appt the nurse gives me the booklet on Fatigue from prostate cancer. Well folks I’m really confused. I’m seeing a psychologist due to emotional and mental trauma from all what’s gone on since last May. She says it can cause fatigue. So help me understand. I feel rather confused regarding this fatigue issue.



  • Hi Colin, your fatigue is caused by your body trying to function without testosterone, the hormone your body lost when you had your prostate removed. It was very important for bone and muscle strength and size. I have also heard fatigue for some can last over a year, though with exercise this can usually be less, and eating foods that help muscle development like tuna/salmon, chicken, eggs, cottage cheese and peanuts will also help. I see a cognitive and emotional psychologist too so good to know you are seeing one as well, I hope you get some answers, bet wishes.


  • Hello Colin. I’m sorry to hear about your fatigue. Obviously, I don’t have prostate cancer but I have found the journey with a husband who has extremely exhausting! I note you are having counselling for emotional and mental trauma. I actually think that any mental / emotional turbulence in and of itself is very exhausting! Perhaps, like me, your fatigue might be caused by the mental anguish you are experiencing and the work you are doing in the counselling to address this?

    I also wonder whether you have spoken with your GP about this fatigue and requested blood tests to rule out any imbalances such as anaemia etc?

    hth and hope you will soon feel better

  • Thanks Eddie

    this is helpful. 


  • Thank you. Yeah hadnt thought of that. I take vitamins C, D, B12 and Zinc. 


  • Morning Colin I can sympathise with your fatigue as I’m suffering similar at the moment and I’ve just started HT  I try to push on with my exercise and diet and then rest when my body tells me to although at times it isn’t easy,I hope things improve for you take it easy Robert