Post prostate op - PSA now rising

  • 6 replies
  • 148 subscribers

Hi all, I wonder if you can help.

I had my robotic surgery for removal of my prostate in August 2022 and up until now my PSA has been <0.1 - great. The consultant did say that the cancer had got out of the prostate capsule, had reached the outer margins and was 'substantially more aggressive' than first thought.

so now, 20 months on, my PSA level is now detectable at 0.13. Has anybody been in the position? I wonder what happens next.

Thanks in advance


  • Hi Kevin I had my surgery in dec 22 my PSA after surgery was 0.2 since then it has either stayed at 0.2 or not detectable. My last one in February was 0.2 the one before that in December 23 was 0. I asked why this was happening but they didn’t know. Due another test next month. Must admit it does worry me 

  • Hi Kevin and a warm welcome to the forum, My condolences regarding your wife and the awful "care" she received. Didn't have surgery though like you i have cribriform variant, as do a few of us on here, and because you have it, you must make sure your treatment, probably radiotherapy, is started as soon as possible, best wishes


  • Good Morning Kevin ( 

    A warm welcome to the online Prostate Cancer Community - you have had a rough deal and I am so sorry to read of your last two years, with all the associated issues life has thrown at you particularly in your wife's case.

    You are already aware that the surgery didn't remove all of the cancer cells and that further action would be required and normally I would say that a PSA rise to 0.13 was not an issue but with surgery, a potential spread and a cribriform morphology I agree with  and further action is required to treat your condition sooner than later.

    I think you need to be on to your team today asking them what is the next step and in view of the aggressive cancer how quick they propose to get you back into the system to continue your treatment.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Shit Eddie you've been through the mill. I hope you find your way out of this mess soon.

    ... my situation pales into insignificance compared to yours

    Thanks for your advice and keep fighting.


  • Cheer Kevin, things lately have been going as well as hoped, and every ones cancer journey is tough, mines just a little harder at times,


  • Hi Bosuer -  agree with the above comments about seeking salvage radiotherapy (whole pelvis area) as soon as possible. I think the trigger limit is usually 0.2, but they should be able to project you doubling rate after the next PSA reading, so push for that ASAP - or even get one privately if it eases your mind.  AW