Husbands Diagnosis

  • 4 replies
  • 146 subscribers

My husband was diagnosed with Prostate cancer in November 2023…His diagnosis is T3b N1 M1a Gleason 4+5 prostate adenocarcinoma 

He immediately started hormone tablets and an injection once a month. They have changed his tablets and is now taking 4 a day. 

We see his consultant next week to discuss going on the PEARLS trial, just wondered if anyone else is on this and how you are coping with it. 


  • A warm welcome  .

    You have come to the right place for support and information for both you and your husband. Prostate cancer is very much a couples disease so make sure you look after yourself as well.

    Being asked to go on a trial may feel like you are being asked to be a guinea pig but very often it is a way of accessing the latest treatment regimes. I see that you have already had a couple of responses on the PACE node thread and possibly more will come. The other advantage can be that you know you are going to be closely monitored. Also such trials are necessary to inform future directions for treatment of people with a similar diagnosis.

    From the information you have given it sounds as if your husband has been put on Enzalutamide tablets - 4 a day which are proving very effective at putting the cancer into hibernation which then gives time to have the radiotherapy or chemotherapy which will actually kill the cancer cells. I have attached the protocol for you if you want to find out a bit more about it. No matter what the treatment is we can help with letting you know what to expect and hopefully give you tips on how to get through the journey. Please come back with any questions, no matter how trivial you might think them.

  • I meant PEARLS trial. I would have amended the original thread but Macmillan have been updating the site and we are still not able to do this when using the mobile - any updates Millibob Brian) on when we are going to be able to get back to doing this?

  • Good Morning   Another warm welcome to the Community from me - and I am so sorry to find you here.

    I see you are already finding your way around the Community, and wish you well with your husband's treatment and hope all goes well for you both. The opportunity to join a trial is a great leap forward in your treatment as not only are cutting edge of research, you also get the great feeling of having your journey being "watched".

    Please feel free to ask any questions - you will get answers.

    We have had a site update a couple of weeks ago and although there have been many improvements, some things have "gone down hill".  We are aware the "more" option can go "walkabout" on a mobile telephone. If you have the 'phone in "landscape" rather than portrait it may well come back - the development team are on this and it will be fixed very soon!!

    Best wishes - Brian.

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    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Thanks Brian. Still not able to edit on landscape so we will just have to wait on the update or try on the laptop.