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  • 154 subscribers

Hi all currently sat at the hospital waiting for biopsy but had some results from mri and bone scan

so they’ve said that the bone scan is all clear but they found a area of the prostate that is worrying hence sending for biopsy it’s graded 1/6 I think she said and Bryan’s is 5 so worrying but to maybe expect it to be prostate cancer due to the grading but can’t give a diagnoses and treatment until results how long do you think we will have to wait for results they also said they want to do another MRI to rule out if it’s gone anywhere else but they don’t think it has it’s just to rule it out x

  • Good morning Clare and all the best for Bryan's biopsy today. The MRI's are normally graded 1 to 5 on the Likert or PIRADS score with 5 being most likely to be prostate cancer but it is not definitive hence the biopsy during which they will target the suspicious looking area but usually all parts of the prostate are sampled. If you ask them how many cores have been taken it will give you an idea of how extensive they are looking. The time waiting for results vary according to the health authority but maybe another question to ask before you leave the hospital. 

  • Hi Clare I feel for you guys I had a biopsy on Thursday and now waiting for results hope it goes ok k 

  • Hi Clarebryan62,

    The time it takes to get the biopsy results varies from hospital to hospital, but to give you an idea, I received mine just under 4 weeks afterwards.  I was originally told it would be 2 weeks but as the results weren't available this was twice delayed.

    I received my results in a phone call from the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) rather than at a face to face appointment so as well as asking how long it's likely to take before you get them, check whether it will be F2F or phone.

    Best Wishes


  • I think they said they invite us back in like two weeks for results they’ve had a cancellation tomorrow for mri so taking that so should have all the details of what we’re dealing with thank u for all the kind words x

  • Was told on day of biopsy 5 weeks for results, it took eight weeks ,then urologist asked for petscan which took two weeks  before he would discuss results and diagnosis 

  • Hi he’s had a mri and bone scan already they said it be two to three weeks for results x

  • I had my biopsy on 22nd June 2023 and was telephoned with the results on 4th July so after twelve days.

    My bone scan was on the 11th July but took almost a month for the results although having seen some documents I now know that the hospital had the results best part of a fortnight before they told me!

    You can read about my journey through the treatment in my profile if you wish by clicking on the MAN logo beside this entry.

  • Hi. 

    Hope today went as well as it could!.  I had my biopsy(PiRADS/LIKERT4) last Thursday (9th Jan) and was told it could be up to 2 -3 weeks before I get an appointment for the results of the biopsy.  

    Tell him to take it easy - I have been pretty wiped out since mine so have been resting up as much as possible but the pain and other things are easing up gradually. Plenty of rest and lots of water to flush everything out seems to be the order of the day.

    I know my biopsy results are back ( for the team to view but not available to patients to view) because I have a notification on my hospital patient records app. So I am expecting to hear back from them fairly soon with an appointment date to discuss the findings.  

    From looking at other people's stories/journeys on these forums it all seems to happen in a slightly different order and on differing timescales depending on where we live/or which hospital we are under.  It's been really useful reading through other peoples stories and people have been really supportive.

    The unknown and uncertainties are stressful so hopefully having some answers will begin to make it easier in some respect in terms of what we all do next ie patients and loved ones.

    Best wishes 


  • Hi all so Bryan had a blood test yesterday 14th Jan and his psa level has gone up to 60.73 from 45.21 last bloods done on dec 10th is this still a low number for psa and is this rise a big rise in that 5 or so weeks I know it’s still concerning but lower than some ppl on here waiting for the biopsy results but making me think more and more he’s got prostate cancer had a ct scan today which initially thought was a mri to check pelvis area it’s just really long wait three weeks don’t no how much it will rise again in that time x

  • Hello Clare ( 

    Bryan is 62 so his PSA should be in the range 0 to 4. Don't forget none of us here are medically trained but you need to prepare yourselves for a positive Prostate Cancer diagnosis.

    I know the testing and results stage is horrible and waiting for a full diagnosis takes time, but trust me, once you have this life will settle down to the "New Normal".

    We as a Community are here for you - ask anything, you will get honest answers but we are only talking from personal experiences. 

    If at this time you need some extra support, the Support Line is there for both of you on 0808 808 00 00 (8am to 8pm 7 days a week). If I can do anything for you please do get back to me.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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