Latest PSA Test Result.

  • 16 replies
  • 147 subscribers

Pleased to say I have just had written confirmation of my recent PSA test and a form to have another in one years time.  It is still undetectable so pleased and I believe - though would have to look it up that it continues at the same number it has been since I completed my treatment.  Going on for 8 years now so happy with that.

I am looking forward to hopefully having my last visit to the dentist for a year and having my new plate - I have had lots of work since last year which should have been completed at the end of December but hold ups with the laboratory and endless other things which have not been my fault have extended the whole thing.  I joke with the dentist that I should have had all my teeth out and had a complete set of false teeth and at the same time assure her that I will keep myself alive (I am now over 80) to make the most of all this horrendous experience, almost weekly visits to the dentist and expense Slight smile  I do hope everything is OK with the plate tomorrow and I will be able, again to eat normal things!  We are planning on treating ourselves to a lunch out so do hope i can eat it!

HAPPY EASTER hope you all have a restful holiday.

  • All sounds as if you have very good reason to celebrate with a good lunch out! Well done - I’m really pleased for you and your family!

  • Just hoping against hope that everything is right at the dentist's tomorrow.  Have had so many holdups with it that I am quite pessimistic about it so hope I am happily surp[rised.

  • I hope it goes well for you too! I have a phobia about dentists! I go for my 6 monthly checks for the simple reason that I’m terrified of anything remotely like a small filling! Even the dental hygiene procedure causes me to freak! I remember being dragged, kicking the dentist and his assistant, into the treatment room when I was a child. I know it’s stupid but I can’t get rid of the fear! I get so wound up before an appointment that every tooth in my head aches before I get to the dentist. Once he has told me my teeth are ok ( hopefully) the toothache disappears ! Words can be very powerful…..until the next check up :) good luck tomorrow!

  • Thankfully not frightened of the dentist just fed up with going there so often!  It does give us a chance to visit some friends who live nearby so there is some enjoyment factor and my wife loves shopping in the bead shop in that town too - so costs more than just the dental bill!  After this I think my wife has her check up in May so we hope to live a dentist free couple of months!

  • Unless u have ongoing issues seeing the dentist yearly should be enough.

    I saw the same dentist for 20 years and he always maintained yearly was sufficient especially as u get older and perhaps you have less teeth and more crowns and bridges which obviously don't rot.

    There we are, yearly, that sounds better doesn't it.

    Sweat smile err, don't eat too many Easter eggs


  • Good Morning  

    So pleased about your PSA - almost as pleased about the dentist - once it's been sorted, you will miss going !!

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Trust me I will not miss going - my wife will miss visiting her bead shop though - I think she is making a list as I write this Slight smile

  • Yes for both of us yearly is enough.  We do get pestered to make appointments with threats of them "striking us off" their list but we just make an appointment for 6 months time.  thankfully they e mail us with reminders so that we don't forget as you age it's the forgetting that causes problems.  we try and remember to put it in phones and on calendars but if we get distracted it often doesn't happen!  Although old age isn't much fun it's better than the alternative and can be amusing when you remember things your mind "mislaid" for a while.  The number of times I catch myself laughing at myself has increased recently.

  • Just had a moment of excitement as found our surgery has signed up to the NHS Wales App 5 days ago - found out on their fb page by accident as looking for Easter opening times for pharmacy as put my repeat prescription in late and need it before Friday.  The opening times were not there so still had to telephone but glad to find my prescription will be ready later this afternoon. 

    Signed up to NHS Wales App only to find out that it can take 10 days for them to e mail me back with confirmation!  Excitement has now petered out.  Have been told that it is not quite the same as the NHS App in England but will now have to wait to see what I can access on it.

    Well I suppose it's good to have something to look forward to.

  • Dentistry, a money making scheme  these days, trying to get  you  to  go ahead with whitening, veneers, etc just for aesthetics 

    Good news about your PSA Freefaller by the the way, the more years that go by the less chance of coming back....I hope
