Good news continues

  • 6 replies
  • 149 subscribers

I know some of you are going through some really tough stuff, but hopefully it will help some people to read a “things going well” story.

I think last time I wrote my husband still had his catheter in.  The removal went very smoothly (would be so useful if hospital appointment letters gave some idea of how long you’ll have to hang around for a TWOC appointment - and even what TWOC means! - Trial without Catheter for anyone wondering).

He was given three HUGE incontinence pads and we had bought some others, but the journey has gone really really well.  Even a week later he was down to a really light pad once a day.  The Squeezy app excercises commenced as soon as the catheter was out and I still regularly walk in to find him staring at his phone and concentrating.  Hopefully after a while he’ll realise he can do them without an app, but for now he likes to have his 100% on his app each day Slight smile

So yesterday was 8 weeks post op and the all important results from the hospital.  Bloods were taken at the TWOC appointment and again at the end of last week.  Anxiety levels were rising in the days leading up to the appointment, but now we can breathe again as we were told the histology confirmed the scan and biopsy findings (T2a, Gleeson 3+4).  The tumour was the size of a large chickpea (we’re likely to smile every time chickpeas are mentioned for a while) and the prostate was more the size of that of a teenage boy than a 53yo man.  And importantly the PSA was classed as undetectable.

So back in 4 months for another PSA test, then 6 months after that, then all being well annually for up to 10 years.  Husband doesn’t regret the decision at all, and despite PSA testing not being a catch all solution, would definitely advocate asking for a test if there are any concerns at all.

Thank you to all on here for your reassurance of concerns, however small.  I wish you all well, wherever you are on your journey, and I hope our journey can demonstrate one of the less complex ones if anyone wants some reassurance.

  • Hello   Well thank you very much for such an uplifting and enlightening insight into your husbands last 8 week journey.

    I am really pleased for both of you that all is well and that the future is looking good. (He's not the only bloke to be caught doing his pelvic floor exercises!!). I do hope the progress continues and that life can get back to normal.

    You are always most welcome to reply to any posts on here where you feel you can help from your husbands journey.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Great news and a big boost for all us starting our journey,best wishes and tell him keep doing these pelvic exercises xx

  • Thank you for your post it is always lovely to hear positive news

  • Great to hear good news. Good to hear the squeeze exercises worked. Whoops there goes my alarm. 20 more squeezes to go.

  • Thanks so much for your positive post. I’m about to embark on the same journey hopefully with the same positive outcome. I wish I could find your previous posts about the experience. Thanks again.

  • Hi there

    im so pleased to hear such a positive story. My diagnosis and treatment was the same as your husband’s. I’m 3 weeks today post TWOC  My progress is slower but seems to be going in the right direction. 
    Your comment about your husband staring at his phone made me smile, I’m still squeezing 3 times a day. Did your husband just rely on the Squeezy exercises? Any other tips would be much appreciated 

