Prostap Injections

  • 3 replies
  • 160 subscribers

I am receiving 3 monthly injections. My next injection will be during a holiday ( booked prior to starting hormone therapy). I have been told by medics not to go longer than 12 weeks, but I can have it early. My question is how early. Any advice appreciated. 

  • Hi  I don’t know but I would opt for the closest date (before or after).  We have had this debate a number of times about 12 weeks or 3 monthly injections.  I am on Zoladex which clearly states 12 weeks on the instructions, but my surgery initially insisted on a 3 monthly (ie every 13 weeks) jab which I had for a year or so.  Honestly I don’t think it matters but wouldn’t want to vary by much over a week.  Interestingly, the guys who stop taking HT reckon it is still in their system for months.  David

  • Hello  

    It's a bit late now but for the future, if your know your holidays will fall into a period where a 3 monthly injection is due, add in a 1 month one earlier in the year or jump to a 6 month one.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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  • Hello  . I thought I would have a look at the pharmacokinetics of Prostap (Leuprorelin acetate) and came across this.

    5.2 Pharmacokinetic properties

    Leuprorelin acetate is well absorbed after subcutaneous and intramuscular injections. It binds to the GnRH receptors and is rapidly degraded. An initially high plasma level of leuprorelin acetate peaks at around 3 hours after a PROSTAP 3 subcutaneous injection, followed by a decrease to maintenance levels in 7 to 14 days. PROSTAP 3 provides continuous plasma levels for up to 117 days resulting in suppression of testosterone to below castration level within 4 weeks of the first injection in the majority of patients.

    The metabolism, distribution and excretion of leuprorelin acetate in humans have not been fully determined.

    Men are advised to have an injection every 12 weeks or 3 months so anywhere between 84 and 91 days which is well within the 117 days. The level of Leuprorelin acetate seems to reach a steady state  and they are even trialling an annual depot so early administration does not seem to be a problem as the dose is not cumulative once the steady state is reached after about 4 months from initial dose. Also it does not look as if you can overdose on it.