12 day wait

  • 23 replies
  • 160 subscribers

Dad's Results are back, he got a phone call for him to come in but it's 12 day's away the appointment, talk about dragging the stress on. Has anyone else had this experience?

  • I know this will be stressful but tomorrow it will only be 11 days, I this time next week only 4 days.

    It's easier said than done but try to think positive.

    It doesn't help when doctors keep going on strike, my last Oncologist appointment was delayed 3 times because of this.

    What is your dad's PSA?

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Yes I understand. Its 26 PSA 

  • Hello   I know it's a worrying time and the NHS is wonderful when it works - with strikes and more men being  tested (a good thing) and more positive results (a bad thing) the whole process is slowing down.

    So we as a Community can help you and we don't have to ask the same questions all the time can I ask you to update Dad's profile please. To do this go to your home page, click on the chair - top right and then "profile" and then "edit". if you write down his journey so far and then keep it updated that would be great. (You can read mine by clicking on the image of the beach - you don't need to write a novel!)

    Thanks and Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi K3rry4nn

    I'm afraid this is now the NHS norm across the board, and unfortunately, I don't see things improving.  There may still be a few outliers where you may be more fortunate.  

    At every stage, my tests have been slow.  I am currently waiting 5 weeks and 3 days for my biopsy results.  I have been told it could be 7 weeks before I receive a phone call.  It is open-ended, I don't have a date!  I have to expectantly wait by the phone.  You can imagine our response every time the phone rings!  I am not in a strike region!

    As you say this is stressful.  I was diagnosed with really painful shingles on Saturday which I believe may have been triggered. by the stress.  The out-of-hours GP I fortunately managed to see (via 111 and a 6.5-hour wait) certainly thinks this to be the case.  So try and reduce your dad's stress.


  • Hi Dedalus,

    Sorry to hear you are now having to deal with shingles which I know from personal experience how uncomfortable it can be.  I had it 50 years ago when I was 17, so treatments then were a lot different to now, but the one thing I do remember is the doctor recommending having a daily soak in a bath with a slug of Dettol in as this helped the rash scab & heal quicker.  Since then I have always loved the smell.

    Hope you recover quickly.

    All the best,


  • Brian, can't remember what I got when I had shingles, that was 25 to 30 years ago.

    Did the Dettol sting?

    Steve (SteveCam)

  • Thanks Brian

    Your Dettol suggestion seems infinitely more preferable to the modern prescribed treatment of the anti-viral Aciclovir.  If you have a spare minute have a read of the side effects.  I don't want to seem like a wimp, but they scare me far more than the potential effects of shingles.  Why are all these medications so toxic in their own right?

    We have showers and no bath.  If we did have a bath I would be languishing there and enjoying the aroma of Dettol this very minute.  I've always favoured a bit of wire wool and Dettol! lol 

  • Hi

    With strikes and the urology dept always under patience is a virtue, they will contact you and if you’re worried, you can phone them or the head of department secretary and politely enquire about your worries.

    Stay safe


  • Dedalus. Sorry to hear about the shingles. A good old fashioned remedy is Calamine to soothe the irritation. You are going to be infectious as long as you still have blisters. Shingles is not contagious but others could catch chicken pox if they come in contact with fluid from the rash. Usual precautions of using your own towels etc. and wash these with clothes in contact with the rash separately from the others. The good news is that it is unusual to have it more than once and hopefully it will be cleared up in 2 - 4 weeks. I hope your symptoms are not too bad.

  • Hi Dedalus

    I had antivirals for shingles and am so glad I did! I had absolutely no side effects and the shingles cleared up with no long lasting effects. If the shingles rash is around your eye, then antivirals, starting within 5 days of the onset of the rash, are essential in preventing eye damage. The antivirals also help prevent against long last nerve pain etc. Hope you feel better soon!