Aberiterone reduced due to symptoms

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  • 149 subscribers

Hi all 

my husband is currently on 3 monthly hormone injections decepaptyl. He completed his radiotherapy in July 2023. He was on two tablets a day of aberiterone. 
after speaking to consultant yesterday he been really struggling with fatigue, headaches and high blood pressure. 
So the options were to half dose of aberiterone or go on high blood pressure medication. 
he opted for reducing aberiterone to half. He ideally would like to come off it all but not an option. 
he is 57 his psa is undetectable at moment which is good. He was diagnosed Gleason 8 he was T3b. 
we asked again when is he classed in remission but consultant couldn’t really answer so I don’t know when you classed as in remission when you have been treated with intent to cure but they can’t seem to tell you when you when in remission. 
he due to be on hormone treatment untill March 2025. 
He also has a point high up on his left side that just won’t heal but said might just be due to muscle with the hormone so to see if improves with lower dose 6 weeks he will be revised again but he will continue to get monthly blood and psa checks so I suppose that reassuring. All just a mind muck up. 

  • Hello   Many thanks for your post - I will try and answer your questions to the best of my ability. He's had Radiotherapy and Hormone therapy and that's until March 2025.

    After Radiotherapy you should reach your "nadir " or lowest PSA reading 18 months after completion so that would be January 2025. At this point if his PSA rises 2 whole points above the nadir reading then some action needs to be taken.

    Fatigue affects us all - easy to say but exercise is the cure - I have put weight on even exercising!!

    After Hormone Therapy has been completed he will (should) be on 6 monthly PSA tests possibly changing to yearly at some point in the future.

    "Remission" has many definitions but the general rule is when there is no sign of cancer and "cured" is 5 years with no sign of cancer but again this can vary depending on who you ask!!

    I hope this helps and he's feeling better soon. Take care.

    Best wishes - Brian.

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