First HT injection

  • 13 replies
  • 156 subscribers

I shall be having my first HT injection on Monday. How did other members cope with theirs and was there any side effects experienced? In have been advised to continue talking my initial pills as well until they run out at the end of month. Thankfully I have now managed to sort out my local Gp surgery for these now…. Took a good day of liaison between the Hospital urology team and my Gp but got there eventually.

  • Injection was trouble free

    the only side effect I had was muscle and bone pain but not too bad

  • Hi

    You definitely need to continue taking the pills (Bicalutamide) for a couple of weeks following the injection. This is because the hormone injection will cause tumour flare and a temporary increase in testosterone. The tablets will control this until it settles down after a couple of weeks.

    Side effects are different for everyone and its difficult to generalize. I got hot flushes and tender breasts on the tablets but since having the injections (Decapeptyl) my side effects haven't been too noticeable and I get on with a fairly normal life. Many experience hot flushes and a level of fatigue but this does vary considerably.

    It also apparent that the side effects build over time so you probably won't notice much after your first injection. So don't get too worried about side effects following the first injection.

    I've had three injection and still not experiencing anything too serious.

    Best of Luck


  • Hello   the post from  above says it all.

    I thought I had "got away" with the side effects - yes I suffered from the ED almost from the first week but it took about 9 months and then bang - the boobs grew, the flushes started, my body hair went missing, my skin went dry - but worry not - some people don't get any - so gool luck with that one.

    Best wishes - Brian.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • One side effect of HT can be a rise in your HbA1C blood sugar which can lead to Type 2 diabetes. As others have said, not everyone gets the side effects so it may not happen for you. A lot of medical professionals aren't aware of this so it's a good idea to be a bit careful with your sugar intake.

    When I had my first Prostap injection from the GP practice nurse, she told me to give up caffeine and alcohol for the duration. I have had one or two glasses of wine in the last five years and don't really miss it at all now. However I have started drinking coffee in the mornings but never after midday and I only drink Redbush tea which is caffeine free.

    I hope that helps and good luck with the treatment.

    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift.
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  • Hello and a very warm welcome. My husband has had 2 injections now with the third one due next week. Apart from slight weight gain around his tummy, I blame the mince pies, he has had no side effects. His first injection was slightly painful at the injection site the next day but the second one the nurse did it slightly higher up and no pain at all. Sometimes it is frustrating when we are caught between different teams but Brian has described me as a dog (in a nice way), a dog with a bone when I was trying to get different departments to speak to each other. Little does he know I am terrified of dogs.  Best wishes to you 

  • Early riser again Shar. I am having to ration the mince pies as well.

    Skippy. My husband has been having 3 monthly implants for over 3 years in the abdomen with no problems. All he gets is a plaster and moans as he doesn't have a lollipop to go with it. He did find that hot flushes increased after each one but this has been sorted out with sage tea.

    All the best and let us know how you get on.

  • Hi Skippy1959,

    My husband had his first HT injection implant 10 days ago. It is a milestone and I can tell you he had no side effects for far. I know some will come later on but it was easy. And the good news is his PSA already dropped by over 60%. So this HT is working wonders. And I can tell you more, he just came back from his morning swim of 80 lanes. So all good so far!

    Best wishes for tomorrow and yes as Alwayshope mentioned, unfortunately, no lollipop to go with it.

    Love from Brighton


  • Morning Shar,

    Oh, I am terrified of dogs as well. I thought I am the only one..., specially the friendly ones.

    Love from Brighton


  • Ah - Er did I - oh - it must have been said in good faith!!  Grin - But if the cap fits wear it - I know that consultants are now avoiding you of you at all costs. I think they worry as you know more about Prostate Cancer than they do!!

    As for dogs - I have a 15.5 year old rescue Border Collie who is frightened of sheep and an 8 year old rescue ex racing Greyhound (who would no doubt like to meet your rabbit - although he is retired!!!!) Both very friendly and very lazy a bit like their owner!!

    Best wishes - Brian Dog2Rabbit2Dog2.

    Community Champion badge

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    Strength, Courage, Faith, Hope, Defiance, VICTORY.

    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Intially I  had the monthly prostap, in my left arm, no problems whatsoever!  Now I am roughly half way through my first 3 monthly.So far so good,a couple hot flushes when I wake in the night,none so far in the daytime.Constipation upto a fortnight ago,never in my 70 years,but,now twice in the last fortnight. Bar that, no complaints,dont go for my CT till early January. Good Luck, everybody very helpful on forum, but,everybody get different side effects.