Dads diagnosis

  • 16 replies
  • 157 subscribers


I am a worried family member. My dad has recently been diagnosed with an aggressive prostrate cancer and it has spread to his pelvis, with a couple of scans still be done. 

He is starting hormone therapy and then radiotherapy. 

Is anyone in a similar situation? Is it still cure able if it has spread to the pelvis? 

Are treatable and cure able 2 different things? 

It all seems to have happened so quickly in the space of a few months. 

Overwhelmed and in shock. 

  • Hi . Only treatable if spred to bones iam sorry to say. The hormone therapy and radiotherapy is to control not cure .I get the overwhelming feeling but learn all you can from the oncologist and this and PCUK. PCUK do a great tool kit..  Knowledge is power.  And there are no stupid questions. 

  • Hello. Sorry to hear about your Dad. In the same position as mine had spread to pelvic (iliac) bone so the treatment was RT and Hormone therapy. Surgery was not an option due to spread. I recall the words on diagnosis (2 years today) was 'sorry it is not cureable but is treatable' as Gman also has said in his reply. Your Dad and yourself will have lots of questions about his treatment.I take a list of questions to my appts as easy to forget stuff to ask. It was some months before I started started my RT. HT was started first. All the best to your Dad and yourself.


  • Hi

    Sorry to hear of your Dad's news.

    Do you have any stats yet - PSA, staging etc? Guessing you won't have a full suite yet, as he is still waiting for some scans. But let us know any you do know, and we can help more.

    The HT he has been started on, will starve the PC and halt it in its tracks - which is good. Has his Multi Disciplinary Meeting been held yet- guessing it has - and if so what plan have they come up with?

    Treatable and curable are 2 different things, as GMan has indicated.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Hello Anxious Pro

    I can't add to what has been already said in the posts above, apart from you are not alone in this journey with your dad. There are lots of great people who contribute to this community and if you have any questions please feel to ask - even if you think they are trivial or silly.

    As your dad's condition is "treatable" it may be an idea to have a look at the profile of some posters with the same diagnosis as your dad to give you an idea of their journey - all you need to do is click on the icon next to the user name - mine is the beach, however my treatment is "curative" not "treatable" as in your dad's case.

    I hope this helps.

    Kind Regards


    Community Champion badge

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    I am a Macmillan volunteer.

  • Hi my husband was diagnosed a few months ago and it has spread to his bones in his pelvis and spine. It was such a shock when we were told because previously we had been told the bone scan was clear and the MRI scan showed still contained to the prostrate. It was the pet scan that picked it up. We have been told it is not curable but is treatable. So husband now on 3 monthly hormone injections plus tablets plus he stated chemo 2 weeks ago. The oncologist said it can be treated for many years. Initially my every waking thought was cancer, if I woke in the night cancer, during the day cancer, every book I read seemed to say cancer. We went to Matalan and there was a message about cancer over the tannoy I just wanted to scream leave me alone. I thought I would never laugh or smile again. But over the last few weeks I have started to be more myself. I find the support of this group so helpful and I have also rang the Macmillan Cancer support line a few times when I have felt down. X

  •   My hubby's one                            Clinical staging  T3aN1M1B 17/17 cores


    He started his Chemo and next one is if I recall rightly 2 weeks time my brain gone south

    I keep thinking why on earth if the blighters killers spread to bones etc  why doest chemo/radio therapy murder those nasty cells.

    I sleep badly some nights and seems when I do sleep I am awaken by outside noise cars hooting or hear bin men

    I worry will my hubby say if he not feeling great,

    I know he is tired but that is normal

    I must driven lovely people round the cake bend I popped into centre in nearby hospital and gone to centre where my hubby is being treated that is 2 bus rides away the nearer oneis bus ride away.


  • Hi

    RT is a focused therapy, so if the PC has escaped too far from the prostate, as in your OH case, then in order to attack the PC, the focus would have to be opened so wide as to be useless. So they only use RT when the PC hasn't escaped at all ( although surgery is an option in this case) or if it has, then not very far - as in my case.

    I can't comment on chemo.



    Trying to get fit again!
  • Sorry just noticed its your Dad with PC not your OH.


    Trying to get fit again!
  • Thank you for getting back to me. We’re just starting out on the journey. 

  • Hi

    I have Stage 4 Prostate Cancer that has spread to my spine and Lymph gland in my groin I have "markers" on my ribs and left hip. My condition is un curable but is being treated to contain its spread, I'm on hormone treatments to do this.

    All you can really do is be there and support him, he will need the love and support from your family more than ever now, and I know he will appreciate that more than anything in the world.

    Take care
